Spirited and Vibrant Siberian Husky
Calendars That Rule the Day!
Loveable and Colorful
Siberian Husky Calendars you will be forever looking at
every new day of the coming year.
Looking for a special gift item to give to that person
who is devoted to dogs?
How about giving them a gift that keeps on giving every
day of the year with one of our Fabulous Siberian Husky
Make someone's day Become Special.....
get them a Siberian Husky Calendar
at our easy to navigate Calendar outlet

Siberian Huskies Deluxe Wall Calendars
The Siberian Husky Dog
Take a quick guess why Siberian Huskies got
their name......
cause they came from Siberia.
Siberian Huskies are proud, bold and brave dogs. Russians
are stubborn people at times and it seems the trait has
rubbed off on these dogs.
Of course all these traits are necessary for the hard life
the Siberian Husky was bred to tackle. Bitter cold weather,
dog sled racing, and in World War 2 many Siberian Huskies
were called into service for the U. S. Army's search and
rescue teams.
Gift Items for
Siberian Huskies
All Calendars
Fun Newsletter for Pets
Turbo and Tippy's cousin Frosty was a Husky, He's no longer
with us, but is now pulling sleds in the great big happy
sled dog pulling world in the sky. Out of respect for Frosty,
Turbo and Tippy developed this web page and thought that
if you bought lots of Husky calendars you too would give
Frosty honor.
Be the love that you are looking for. Love, and you will be
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