Amusing Pug Calendars that Got It Going On

Calling all Pug Lovers!
You will find the absolute most Delightful pictures of
Adorable Pugs on these Brilliantly Colored Pug Calendars
These Magnificent Pug Calendars are the Ideal
Gift item to give to any person who appreciates this
Amusing and Enchanting breed of dog.
Your friends will find themselves to be so fortunate
to have one of our Entertaining Pug Calendars hanging on their
wall for them to view every day.
No where else online will you find such Cute pictures of
Pug dogs as you will find on these Priceless Pug

Lovely Calendars and Posters featuring Adorable Pugs Here
Pugs originated from the country of China and Tibet where they
were originally bred to be a lap dog. Pugs are the only
breed of toy dogs that can claim their descent from Mastiffs.
In China the wrinkles on a Pug's face were considered to be
very acceptable and in fact essential to good breeding. The
"prince mark" or (vertical wrinkle) on the face resembled
the Chinese symbol for prince.
Pugs are very affectionate and very playful, they require a
lot of love from their owners.
See more info about a Pug's Nutritional
We suggest....
getting several different types of Pug calendars,
several to give out to your friends for any occasion,
and several to have for yourself.
You will feel great every time you look at one of the
Lovely pictures of Pugs on our calendars. The perfect way
to start every day out.
We also carry gift ideas for every breed of dog, along
with a vast selection of Pug gift items you will find to
be irresistible. Just check them out at our online calendar
shop where it's fun to look over the really cool gift items
as you browse through our shop.
To get there, simply click on either of the
two Pug calendars shown above. These two are only the start of
all the different types of Pug Calendars you have available.
Gifts for Pugs
All Calendars
Tippy's Newsletter
Pugs and all Canines Go
Here Please
Today is your day to have Fun. Enjoy Your Life
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