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Diabetes in Dogs
By: Dr. Jane Bicks
Only your vet can diagnose diabetes.
Even though the following list is long, all of it is helpful for
a diabetic dog. Add one supplement at a time to tolerance, before
going on to the next one.
Most important, be very, very consistent; feed the same amount
of the same food at the same time each day.
Your dog must be kept at it's proper weight, and exercised
moderately every day.
- Use an alternative professional high quality food only. If your dog is
overweight, the diet food must Not be supermarket grade. It simply doesn't
have enough nutrients and may change ingredients from batch to batch.
- Supplement with vegetable enzymes at every meal.
- Add fiber to lower insulin requirements. If your veterinarian has not
recommended a food with moderate to high fiber, add oat bran and brewer's
yeast to your dog's food.
- Do not supplement with bee pollen or sugar.
- Supplement with B vitamins.
- Supplement with vitamin C.
- Supplement with chromium which works best when combined with B vitamins.
For small dogs, 50 mcg.daily; for medium dogs, 100mcg. daily; for large
dogs, 150 to 200 mcg. daily. Do not use time release capsules.
- Add a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement with calcium, zinc, potassium,
and magnesium. Use in treat form or in a "whole natural foods,"
such as garlic, brewer's yeast, alfalfa, barley or wheat grass.

Tippy Says:
Diabetes involves disturbed blood sugar levels.
Diabetes can be defined as a state caused by insufficient available
insulin. Insulin is produced in the pancreas.
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the Beta cells which are located
in areas of the pancreas known as Islets of Langerhans. (The word
insulin means island.)
Insulin is needed as a chemical messenger to direct various organs
in the body to store or to release glucose. Glucose is a sugar found
in the blood stream.
Sugar is a vital source of energy for all cells in the body.
Hypo-glycemia is low blood sugar. Hyper-glycemia is high blood sugar.
Insulin, in the body, utilizes this blood sugar. If the pancreas
is not functioning properly, the level of sugar builds up. The kidneys
become over loaded with this high level of sugar. When this happens,
the sugar "spills over" into the urine.
Diabetes is also a disorder which affects in particular the blood
vessels. There is a thickening of the walls of the small blood vessels
and hardening of the arteries. Such vascular complications affect the
kidneys, the eye, and even the nervous system.
In humans, diabetes is one of the leading causes of heart disease,
it is also one of the leading causes of decreased vision and blindness.
Insulin is not the solution to all diabetic problems, it is not a
cure! It does, however in many cases, prolong life and sustain functional
In humans, diabetes has been termed the disease of the affluent
nations. In countries where there is an abundance of food, obesity is
very common.
Obesity creates a demand for more insulin. Those who are overweight,
use insulin Less effectively.
We therefore wish to make you aware that it is very important
for you to help your dog lose weight.
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