America's Favorite Cat Garfield
is now featured on Calendars
Garfield, his usual sarcastic and witty
self, will provide you with an entertaining time on
these Amusing Garfield Calendars
These Amusing and Hilarious Garfield Calendars
are the Purr-Fect item to give to any person
who is a Garfield nut, Ideal for children and adults
And we believe that since you are a devoted cat person
you should treat yourself to several of these different
styles of Garfield Calendars!
There are wall calendars, boxed, daily boxed
daily planners, organizers, desk calendars, and
engagement calendars, all with Bright Photos of
Garfield and Odie
Garfield and Odie Calendars - See them All Here
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You won't be able to find a more priceless collection
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We also have calendars for every breed of cat and dog
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Garfield is a beloved comic strip character that is featured
in newspapers across the world. There are also several
books, TV series and movies about his world and antics. Just
recently two live action films with Garfield as a 3-D
animated cat were issued.
The character Garfield is a large red tabby cat with a
penchant for lasagna, naps and Pookie his
stuffed bear. He
is overweight and frequently his comic strips deal with
dieting and overeating. He also is known for tormenting his
housemate Odie, which is a dog that is long on slobber and
short on brains.
A lot of people have fallen in love with Garfield over the
years because of the humor inherent in the character.
Garfield strikes a chord with a lot of people who are
dealing with many of the same issues that Garfield has. Plus
he really is a stereotypical cat; it is just acted out like
what a human would think that a cat was thinking when doing
cat things (Aside from the love of lasagna and coffee which
isn't very catlike).
The comic strip is written by Jim Davis, and has been
published since 1978. There is also a wealth of Garfield-
themed merchandise that has sold in excess of seven hundred
fifty million dollars USD so far. Garfield was created to be
highly marketable and it definitely has paid off.
In the beginning of the Garfield comics the cat was much
fatter than in the comic strip depictions of Garfield today.
So although Garfield says he hates dieting, apparently it
worked over the years as the comic was drawn.
Today Jim Davis no longer does all of the drawing of the
comic, he has many people who do the inking, coloring and
fleshes out the story lines for him. He still does rough
sketches and creates the story lines of the comics.
Some of Garfield's pet peeves are Mondays, diets and the
Vet's office. Some reoccurring themes are obsessive eating,
laziness and abuse of Jon his owner and Odie the family dog
and destruction of property. Garfield also has a strange
partnership with the pest mouse in the house, and he is
frequently seen squishing spiders with whatever comes to
Go Here for All Calendars on a Bunch of Topics
Playful Stuffed Plush
Cats and All Animals
Entertaining Pet Newsletter
Fun Stuff only for Felines
Alfred and Tippy really get a big kick out of reading
the comic strip about Garfield and Odie. They
fight like cats and dogs, well, they are cats and dogs
over the antics of Garfield and Odie. But they both
wanted to make this web page anyway
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