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My Dog Suffers from Hip Dysplasia....what can I Do?
With Dr. Jane Bicks
Our dog suffers from hip dysplasia. We heard you formulated a special
product for hip dysplasia and arthritis, can you tell me more about it?
Years ago, while creating an audio cassette presentation called "How
to care for your guide dog," I learned about one of the greatest concerns
facing guide dogs users....hip dysplasia and arthritis.
Many of these wonderful dogs had difficulty getting up and down stairs,
walking and standing upon command despite treatment with steroids and pain
Unfortunately, many dogs had to be retired resulting in the heart breaking
separation between companions and guide dogs often the best friends in the
This was the initial motivation for formulating and developing the
formula for all dogs and cats years ago.
Agility has been available to dog and cat owners for many years now and there
are numerous testimonials about the effectiveness of this product. Agility
gives owners the hope of healthy bones and joints for our best friends, so
that they may enjoy life ti it's fullest.
The Agility Formula + moderate exercise + a sensible diet + regular vet
check-ups = healthy joints and bones!
Agility is for dogs and cats with mobility loss, stiffness or joint pain.
Or those with senior dogs or cats or large breed or long backed dogs of any
age. Agility is a safe and effective alternative.
In addition to the glucosamine, sea mussels, special herbs and fish oils, I
have now added MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane). MSM is a naturally occurring
nutritional sulfur which is a key component in the formation and maintenance
of healthy bones and surrounding tissue. It is the subject of many recent
medical studies concerning bone and joint health.

"I am writing you about our dog Holly. She has had problems with her
legs for several years. Even surgery on her knees did nothing to help her. At
one point we were considering having her put to sleep because the vet said her
arthritis would only get worse."
"Then a friend of mine told me about the Agility formula and we tried
it. It was almost Unbelievable how much better Holly got around. She could not
only walk, but run and play like she hadn't done in years. I'm convinced the
Agility formula is the key to her feeling better. We're so grateful for your
KS, Goshen, Ohio
Tippy Says:
"Hey fellow dogs and cats, just wanted you all to know that I too had
suffered from arthritic type problems. About 75% of the time after I would get
up, I would hold my back leg up in the air.....I was soooo stiff!"
"Then Dave started feeding me my Life's Abundance food and my
supplement. WOW! What a difference that made. I get up a whole lot quicker
now, have loads more energy, and.....I haven't held my back leg up in the air
one time since then!!!!"
"For all my buddies out there with these types of problems, I sure
would like for you guys to try the Agility out.
You can read all about the
Agility and try a bottle by surfing to:"
Find out more about Helping your Dog Here
Your Dog is your Best Friend......
They shouldn't Suffer can Give them Help