Calendars Highlighting the Marvelous Maine Coon Cat
If you Love Maine Coon Cats
You'll go Bonkers over the Splendid pictures of
Maine Coon Cats on these Exceptional Maine Coon
Cat Calendars
Want a Really Good Idea for a Gift Item?
How about giving your cat loving friend one of
these Elegant Maine Coon Cat Calendars.
Maine Coon Cats are the Boss!
They' re also the official feline of the state of Maine.
Just as Maine Coon Cats are known for their loving nature
and kind disposition, so are these
Amazing Maine Coon Cat Calendars

Maine Coon Cats Calendars
Maine Coons are big clowns and are interested
in entertaining their human companions.
So you will find these Maine Coon Cat desk, mini and wall Calendars
Entertaining and a Real Pleasure to look at.
The Maine Coon Cat
The Maine Coon Cat breed was bred to
survive harsh climates.
It has a heavy, water resistant glossy coat that is unique
to this particular breed. The Maine Coon cat's coat is
longer underneath than on the top of the cat. Unlike other
long haired cats, the Maine Coon cat's coat is relatively
easier to care for and needs only a weekly brushing.
The Maine Coon Cat's tail is long and bushy and is often
used as a pseudo-blanket for the cat or to protect a
particular body part. The ears of the cat are also more
heavily furred than other cat breeds and are extremely
They have rounded, big, tufted feet that act like snowshoes,
and large eyes and ears to increase sight and hearing. They
have a long, square muzzle that helps them to catch and eat
prey and drink from ground sources of water.

Exclusive Gift Ideas for Maine Coon Cats & Cat Lovers
All Maine Coon Cat & Calendars
& Lovable Stuffed Maine Coon Cats
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Patches Kitty Cat and Alfred have a blast building these
web sites but they love even more their kitty treats,
and of course..... nap times
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