Expert Tips on Small and Exotic Pet Care
Keeping small animals as pets is a fantastic way for
many of us to have the companionship of a pet. Small animals
make very good pets in most cases.
Plus having small pets is an excellent way for the first
time pet owner, or a younger person to become a pet owner.
Many small pets are ideal for children to teach them
responsibility and how to take care of animals in their care.
Keeping small animals as pets does require the same level of
care and keeping as any larger pet would, and the best way
is for you to find out the knowledge of what it takes to make
your pet as happy and healthy as possible so you can enjoy
many, many years with your pet.
Below are links to indexes, each of which provides you with a
wealth of information on each topic. Simply select any link to
find more about what you are seeking.
Not only do we provide you some of the best and most accurate
information on small pets that you can find on the internet, but
we also have lot's of pretty cool fun stuff about these pets included.
So enjoy yourself here and may you and your pet have a
wonderful life together.
Please check back often as we are constantly updating this
site with new information about small pets.

All about Pet & Wild Rabbits
& Bunny Fun Stuff
All about keeping Fish for
Pets & Fun Fishie Stuff
All about Reptiles and
Turtles as Pets *New Section*
Intriguing Invertebrates as
Pets *NEW*
Rip Roaring Rodents as
Pets **NEW**
Please do a search on this site for the information you
are seeking.

Please check back often, we offer you some of the finest pet care tips,
info and fun stuff on the following topics in addition to
the links located at the top of this page
Horse Sports & Horse
Farm Animals
Pigs as Pets
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From all the pets at Pet Care Tips:
Tippy, Alfred, T.C. Kitty, Little Cats A, B & C,
Shadow and Smokey, Petey Bird and Petunia, Annie & Daisy,
Tommy Turtle and Ralph Turtle, Rocky & Bullwinkle
From fishes to turtles to the cute little bunny,
small pets are a laugh and really quite funny.
Reptiles like turtles and lizards to sun,
and they too, like to join in the fun.
Small Pets are a gift to us all,
even though they really are very small.
Rabbits galore you know you can show them,
the best of the breeds are almost a gem.
Who would have ever believed in their mind,
the groundhog is a pet, they're really quite kind.