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Should my Dog or Cat really take Vitamin Supplements?
by Terri Symonds Grow
Just as with our own diets, water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats are the
basic building blocks of a good diet for our pets. Yet, these are only the
starting point for our pets' healthy diet, vitamins and minerals too are
Because vitamins and minerals are so necessary, AAFCO ( Association of
Animal Feed Control Officials) has set recommended daily levels like our RDAs
formulated by the FDA.
It is important to understand that these levels, the same guidelines
commercial food manufacturers are required to follow, are not intended for
promoting optimum health, but are only the amounts needed to prevent
deficiency in the "average" pet.
Ideally, quality prepared foods would provide our animals with a healthy diet,
completely balanced. Yet, what is considered complete and balanced?
And as each animal is different, can we expect one nutritional diet formula
to suit every pet's need?
Active and working dogs, pets under stress, on restricted diets, fighting
illness, recovering from surgery, or on medication may need higher than normal
amounts of nutrients.
In today's polluted environment, our pets may need additional nutrients yet
without the additional calorie intake as our pets' activity levels are
decreasing. Cooking and processing also destroy nutrients, making it more
difficult to get even the recommended vitamin levels.
Studies have shown that larger dosages of vitamins can help improve function
to enhance health. But here again balance is necessary as a nutrient excess
can produce symptoms similar to a deficiency.
Vitamins regulate the metabolism and assist the biochemical processes that
release energy from digested foods.
There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble that must be replenished
daily, such as Vitamins C and B-complex, or fat-soluble that are stored for
longer periods of time in fatty tissue and the liver, such as Vitamins A, D, E
and K.
At the same time there are two groups of vitamins: synthetic and natural.
Synthetic are produced in laboratories to mirror their counterparts found in
Natural vitamins are derived from food sources. Chemically there are no
differences, however the synthetic supplement contains only the isolated
vitamins, which works well in a deficiency situation.
Natural supplements often contain other nutrients not yet discovered and
may offer more benefits as with whole foods.
Minerals are needed for the proper chemical balance of our pet's body fluids,
the formation of blood and bone, the maintenance of healthy nerve function,
and the regulation of muscle tone.
There are two groups of minerals: bulk (macrominerals) which include
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, and trace minerals (microminerals)
that include boron, chromium, copper, germanium, iodine, iron, manganese,
molybdenium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, vanadium, and zinc.
As with vitamins, supplemental minerals should be taken in balanced
amounts, otherwise they may not be effective and can be potentially harmful.
For example too much zinc depletes copper or excessive amounts of calcium
affects magnesium absorption.
Whether you are seeking to correct a deficiency, supplement a commercial diet
or boost nutrient density, it is important to recognize that vitamins and
minerals work synergistically.
In other words, there is a cooperative action between supplements promoting
absorption and assimilation. This means that it's not simply the replacement
or increase of a vitamin or mineral, which may be ineffective or dangerous,
but a balancing act between supplements for the most effective nutrient
For example, high doses of an individual B vitamin have been shown to cause
depletion of other B vitamins. This is why in most instances, a balanced
vitamin and mineral supplement should be taken in addition to any single
>From home-prepared recipes to commercially prepared foods,
a growing range of options now offers pet owners convenience and
reassurance for bettering their pet's diet.
Supplementing with vitamins and minerals helps enable your pet's immune system
to function to its fullest potential. Nutritional supplements are now
developed for pets in a range of forms for a range of health applications to
eliminate the dosage questions and risk of using human supplements.
Multi-vitamins flavored for greater palatability are available for cats and
dogs in chewable treat tablets or powders for mixing in foods.
Natural supplements made from whole foods and herbs are now more readily
available in formulations for pets. Discuss your pet's diet with your
veterinarian and get him/her started on a healthier, nutritionally balanced
diet based on your pet's individual needs.

Why it's a good idea to give your Pet a Nutritional Supplement
By: Dr. Jane Bicks
Most of us take supplements and eat right to get all the nutrients
necessary to avoid disease and ensure good health. The same is true for your
four-legged member of your family.
Your pet needs a high quality nutritional supplement because:
* All pets have different nutritional requirements. Age, activity level,
environment, genetics, breed and other factors determine your pet's special
Although a good premium food will provide a solid foundation, food alone
cannot supply all the nutrients necessary to fulfill those unique
* A deficiency of just one or more nutrients can leaveyour pet
vulnerable to disease.
* Nutrients that specifically support your pet's natural defenses are vital to good health.
My Advanced Multivitamin and Mineral Formulas contain a well-balanced
matrix of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids providing your pet's body with
the nutrients it needs for optimal health and well being.

To Find Out more about my Advanced Daily Supplement and how it can help
your pet, Go to the links below:
Vitamin Supplements for Dogs and Cats
" I have patients who just aren't doing well but we can't find any other words, pets that aren't sick but aren't well either.
Since putting them on Life's Abundance food & Advanced Daily Supplement,
most of these pets have become normal and healthy within 3 to 4 weeks."
Dr. Mark Newkirk, DVM
Check out the Life's Abundance Daily Nutritional Systems and see the
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