And You thought Pigs couldn't be Trendsetters?
Now all the Animals down on the farm can tell what day
it is when the farmer gets them a Pig Calendar to hang
up in the barn or on the pig sty wall.
Check out these Pig Wall, Daily, Slimline, and Mini Wall
Calendars with some of the darndest pictures
of piggies you've ever seen.

What an absolutely novel concept to be able to
take a pig and make him look so desirable
and adorably cute.
Your days will go by much better with these
refreshingly Entertaining Pig Calendars

Pigs on Parade Calendars
You'll be delighted at the pictures of little and big
piggies that are as sweet as a shiny new Oldsmobile.
Certain to provide tons of enjoyable moments and
Fun Filled memories.
So, if your life is in reverse and you want to shift to forward,
then get one of these Pig Calendars and watch the good vibrations
start to happen.
Stuffed Plush Pigs that are Dressed to the Nines!
Free Animal Newsletter
Check out:
Down on the Farm
All Pig & Animal Calendars
Page design by: Tippy & Alfred
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Choose To Prosper