Glamorous Poodle Calendars that are the Talk of the Dog Show
An Adorable breed of dog, the Poodle
Here we have a wonderful collection of Irresistible photographs
of Poodles on our Poodle Calendars you will find to be
totally blissful.
While Poodles are now known for their show qualities,
they are actually very athletic and very intelligent dogs.
Originally the puffs of hair around a Poodle's joints,
vital organs and tail were left on to protect Poodles
as they were working in the fields as a hunting retriever dog
which often had to swim in cold water to retrieve game.
The pompon on the dog's tail was left supposedly to
help make the Poodle easier for the hunter to spot
in tall grasses.
These gratifying calendars with Poodles will be the finest
choice of award to give out for contests, for raffles,
and will be a superb gift for giving to any dog lover.
We suggest browsing our online calendar shop to see all
the unique gift ideas that are available for Poodles and
for all breeds of dogs. We're sure you will find something
that you will Love to give out to your friends or family,
or something that will help make your day more cheerful
and bright.

Enchanting Poodle Posters and Calendars
Just about any gift item for any dog breed out there!....
To see everything simply select one of the Poodle Calendars which
are directly above and you will be taken to our calendar
store where you can Easily find what you are seeking.
Poodles are considered to be in the Non Sporting Group
of dogs. Non Sporting dogs were bred mainly for
Poodle dogs are one of the easiest breeds of dogs to train,
but they are also one of the dog breeds that require the
most amount of grooming. Being athletic they do need
a good bit of exercise and play time.
Compelling Gifts
for Poodles
Go Here for All Poodle & Animal Calendars
Irresistible Stuffed Dogs & Animals
Tippy's Newsletter for Dogs and All Pets
Care Tips and Fun Stuff for
Tippy watched Poodles on a dog show on television last week.
Tippy wanted to make fun of them, but then remembered
Tippy's good friend Charley, a Toy Poodle almost out ran
her in their last race.
Life without you wouldn't be at all the same
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