Divinely Inspired Schnauzer
Calendars You can't Resist

If you Love Schnauzers, then you will totally fall in Love
with the wonderfully colorful and Adorable pictures
of Schnauzer dogs on the these Schnauzer Calendars
These Exciting and Endearing Schnauzers Calendars
will be the perfect addition to your office,
kitchen or recreation room to brighten up the walls
and give you a ton of Pleasure and Enjoyment in the process.
Get your very own
Schnauzer Calendar Online today or get several to give
away as gift items to all your Schnauzer loving friends

Schnauzer Calendars
Miniature Schnauzers, Giant Schnauzers,
Standard Schnauzers, we have wall and desk calendars for every one.
Miniature Schnauzers are very obedient dogs despite
their high spirits. They make very good family dogs
that get along well and even enjoy the company of
children and other animals, although older schnauzers
have a harder time accepting new pets into the household.
Some schnauzers readily accept strangers, others don't,
but are not aggressive towards them, they are more
timid and tend to hide when strangers come around.
Schnauzers do bark and if not curbed at a young age,
can be annoying for many people, especially older folks
who like peace and quiet. Schnauzers are not aware
of this barking being a problem, at least it's not
for them!
Schnauzers were named after the German word for nose
or muzzle. They were bred from Affenspinshers, Giant
Schnauzers and miniature Pinschers. The Miniature
Schnauzer was bred mainly for it's ratting ability.
Pleasurable Schnauzer & Animal Calendars
Exciting Newsletter for Pets
"I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who
have not got the guts to bite people themselves."
~ August Strindberg ~
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Choose To Prosper