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How to Store Animal Jewelry

You can store animal jewelry in just about any container but
in order to store them properly it is important to realize a
few simple facts about the different types of metals and
gems that your animals jewelry may be made from.

Most people choose to keep their animal jewelry in a
"jewelry box." These boxes are usually lined with velvet or
simulated velvet and are normally made of wood. Some even
have specially designed compartments for different types of

In order to properly store a piece of jewelry you need to
know that there are some types of jewelry that are
particularly sensitive to light and dark and to moisture.

For instance, a sterling silver piece tarnishes when
sulfides, air and silver combine. Sulfides are most often in
humid or polluted air, so to keep your silver animal jewelry
from tarnishing as quickly you need to keep in a cool dry
place with little humidity and no pollution.

Some people keep their silver in silk bags that will
insulate the jewelry from humidity. This doesn't stop the
silver from tarnishing; it just helps to slow the process.
And in high humidity areas this will help only a little.
Pewter tarnishes as well as silver, so it.

Gold should be stored in something where it can not be
scratched or banged against other jewelry. Gold does
tarnish, but only very slowly.

Jewelry with gemstones, especially carved gemstones, should
be carefully wrapped in tissue paper or soft cloth before
storing them so that the gems can't be nicked or fall from
their settings.

Pearls require some moisture so you can't store them
someplace dry where it has the potential to dry out the
pearl. Some people wrap their pearls in a moist cloth and
then place them in a velvet bag.

The general rule when storing animal jewelry is to choose
some place that is cool and dry, and place each piece
separately in its own cubicle or wrapped in tissue so it
can't be scratched by other jewelry in the container.
Getting a plastic container with a lot of little
compartments and some little silk or velvet bags to put each
individual piece of animal jewelry is probably best. Then
store it all someplace cool, dry and secure until it is to
be worn again.

Articles on Animal Jewelry Here


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