Tippy Talks about how She no Longer has Health Problems
Tippy's Story
I'm now over 13 years young and let me tell you this, I have More
energy than most dogs half my age and zero problems
with mobility.
Hi guys, It's Tippy, your furry canine friend on the Net.
I'm a Border Collie and I Love to chase cows!
I also Love to ride in Dave's (my human friend) big truck.
While I'm riding, I like to watch out for any predatory animals that may be
trying to cross the road, or trying to invade my territory.
You know I've got to be "lookout" so Dave won't hit one of these
guys and mess up his truck. See how important I am!
Anyway, Dave used to feed me this really crappy food. He wasn't concerned
about what the ingredients were, he only cared about the price. Poor
fellow...and poor me!
He bought this absolute garbage food that was full of corn, wheat, and
those awful chemical preservatives....oh how I hated to eat that stuff.
But I had to cause that's all he would get me and you know I can't go
without eating forever.
So guess what happened?
I got old quick.
At 6 years of age, I had to go in for major surgery. Got bladder stones. They
sure did hurt!
Luckily Dave found this really good vet who took them out and made me feel
better. The vet also said to feed me this stuff called Hills SD for preventing
those painful stones.
So Dave broke down and bought the stuff. I ate it, but was really concerned
about the ethoxyquin in it.....that's really nasty stuff and tastes like skunk
Anyway guess what?
A year or so later, same thing happened!
The food that was supposed to prevent the stones from forming I guess made
them come back and boy oh boy did they ever hurt this second time around.
Back to the vets ( I hate going to the vets!!!!) and this time I almost
Dave was heartbroken to see me lay there and suffer.
So he got serious and did some quality research and found out what was
really in that stuff I was eating.
Read more about how I
no Longer have Bladder Stones
In the meantime he switched me over to a food called Nutro. It was a little
bit better tasting, but then Dave found out what was in that food and took it
off me Pronto!
Did you know that Nutro was one of
the foods tested by the FDA that tested positive for the presence of pento-barbital?
Pento-barbital is the chemical used to euthanize pets.
No more Nutro for me and boy was I glad!!!
I couldn't stand the thoughts of me actually eating some of my fellow
canine friends.....flea collars and all.
So what happened?
Dave bought me this stuff called Life's Abundance Natural Dog Food.
Man, Oh Man...What a great tasting
food that was... and he said it was really, really good for me.
And I'll tell you what, it sure did taste good and had all this great stuff
in it.
But what else I wanted to tell you as that before, I was having a real hard
time getting up and also jumping up into Dave's truck.
And the cows were starting to make fun of me cause I couldn't chase them as
fast anymore......believe me...it's real humiliating to have a cow run faster
than you!!
So Dave bought me a supplement called Agility.
With the Life's Abundance Food, the
Daily Supplement and that
Agility I became like a new dog.
I now get up a whole lot faster, start off running a whole lot quicker, and I
can even jump up easily in Dave's big truck.
Let me tell you one thing.....the cows don't make fun of me anymore!
I'm able to do my job now of keeping them herded and protecting Dave from
the wild animals when he goes out driving. I sure did miss those outings
I'm now over 13 years young and let
me tell you this, I have More energy than most dogs half my age and zero problems
with mobility.
If you're a canine, come on over and I'll race you! First one to the feed bowl
wins!!! and I'll bet it will be me.
So if you're having mobility problems,
or you just don't have that
same old "Get Up N Go"
like you used to......do yourself a big time favor and get
your owner to try a bag of this Life's Abundance food and the Agility
You'll be totally amazed at how much better you look and feel.
You're human friend will think they've got a new dog on their hands.
Surf on over here to find out more
Your Friend, Tippy