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Alfred, our American Shorthair Cat, tells his Story:
Hi, I'm one of your furry feline friends on the Net.
I'm a big, almost all black American Shorthair,
with just a small patch of white under my chin.
I'm a good kitty too!
My favorite things to do are:
Play with my toys
Bother my human friends
Keep unwanted visitors like mice from the barnyard.
Actually, I've got life kicked.
Who else do you know that can sleep up to 2/3's of the day,
get up and eat, then play for awhile, then go take a nap and
get away with it?
I also go outside and make all these cat noises and prowl
around...I do this to make my human friends think I'm really
needed and important around here. My human friends, Dave is
a pretty cool guy. He brushes me whenever I want and keeps
my litter box clean, and most importantly, feed me a really
Delicious and scrumptious tasting, all natural food that
keeps me healthy and happy.
And...they give me lots of great treats. Yum Yummy Yum!!!
And hey, I deserve it. I keep the whole farm running in good
shape and the house from being infested with mice.
Course, sometimes I have to show that dog...Tippy...who's
really boss, but that's okay. Tippy is pretty neat for a
Don't let anyone fool you, I'm the King around here.
Dave & Tippy know it and I get away with whatever I want. I
sleep where I want and when I want and make Dave buy me the
highest quality food he can find.
You wanna know why?
It's really simple. I have a good friend, Dr. Jane Bicks. She's a
really swell person and just loves cats!

Anyway Dr. Jane told Dave that in order for me to look and feel my
best and to live the longest life possible, I need a really good quality food.
A food that has Meat Proteins in it...not corn.
Now just think about that for one minute.
Did you ever see a cat go out and bring back to the house an
ear of corn?
What do they bring back?
Mice, chipmunks, rodents.....all meat.
Get that?
Cats are carnivores. Cats need meat proteins.
Something Dr. Jane told Dave was that us felines cannot
manufacture proteins in our livers like humans and dogs can.
We need, daily....meat proteins in our diet. That's why all
those kitties on corn based foods are spending a lot of time
at the vets for health related problems. Not me!
Dave buys me Life's Abundance Cat Food and the Daily
Supplement. (correct that...Daily treat) It's because the
Life's Abundance food is meat based and provides me with the
proteins I need to live the longest and healthiest life
And the Daily Supplement gives me those extra vitamins and
minerals that I need. (Dr. Jane says the Daily Supplement is
really important....but I love the taste so much...I call
them treats!)
I sure do look and feel good...and have a shiny coat that
glistens in the sunlight. And I never go to the vets for
health related issues.
==> From one feline to another,
I really want
you to experience
this delightfully Purr-fect dining ecstasy in your food
Get your human friend to go here and get you on the
Life's Abundance Daily Nutritional System:
Check out Alfred's
Favorite Feline Cuisine Here
You will be purring all the way to the feed bowl.
Your Furry Friend, Alfred

Life's Abundance Natural Cat Food and the Daily Nutritional
Supplement will help your precious furry feline friend to live
the Longest & Healthiest Life possible!
Alfred says: This is what has made me such a beautiful and
healthy cat, a cat that never goes to the vet's for health
problems and a cat that is going to live a long, long time.
Why not give our food and supplement a one month's've got nothing to lose by trying it...
except your kitties health!

100% Money Back Guarantee if not satisfied
(minus shipping & tax)

"I ordered this great food for my cats after your last e-letter,
and they
LOVE it. And I’ve been giving samples to all my cat-loving friends and
telling them they have to try it too. I (and my trio) think it’s
the greatest thing going. Thanks for telling us about it."
Carol T.
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