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Beaky Buzzard

Beaky Buzzard is one of Mother Buzzard's children, although
Beaky is certainly the runt of the clutch...both physically and mentally.
Beaky is your typical buzzard but a bit on the fat side and
with his goofy grin and way too low IQ, Beaky does have
a unique way of entertaining his viewers.
Although to his credit, later cartoons did show Beaky as a
smarter bird than originally cast and even became a mentor to
Concord Condor in one show.
Beaky Buzzard did not make many appearances in the Looney
Tunes cartoons, but did appear in several issues of Dell Comics'
Looney Tunes series of comic books, where he was usually paired
with Henery Hawk.
Some selected Looney Tunes cartoons featuring Beaky
Bugs Bunny Gets The Boid 1942
In Beaky Buzzard's debut appearance, Mother Buzzards
send her boys out to find dinner and instructs Beaky to
bring home a rabbit who happens to be Bugs Bunny
The Bashful Buzzard 1945
Beaky and his brothers go hunting to bring food home for
Mother Buzzard
Strife With Father 1950
Two sparrows hatch an egg into what turns out to be
Beaky Buzzard
The Lion's Busy 1950
Beaky Buzzard has some fun with Leo the Lion.
Some of Beaky Buzzard's Sayings
Nooooo! Gosh! What will they think of next
Don't wanna do it
Gosh, what's holdin' him up
Gosh, flyin' sure hurts a feller's head
Yikes! Huh huh huh
Yup yup, I got it, I got it all right. er... what have I got
We won't catch any chickens if'n you fool around like this
I let him have it all right all right all right
Gosh, this is fun
And you - you are my hero
Hey, what did you do to my poor little kid
My momma done told me, bring home something for dinner
See Also:
List of Famous Birds
in Myth, Books, Comics, Film, etc.
Index of Looney Tunes Characters