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How to give Miss Kitty a Bath, and survive doing it!
Pamela Castoldi
When bathing a cat you must first and foremost be prepared. Prepare ALL the
items needed in advance. The last thing you want is to have a wet cat and find
that the cat shampoo, towel, crème rinse, etc. is in the basement or two
rooms away. You will NEVER catch that cat again that day.
So with that in mind we begin:
Step 1 Pick a good day. Pick a day where you are not rushed,
trying to do 20 things at once and don’t have 4 kids to look after.
Step 2 Assemble what you’ll need.
- A good cat or kitten shampoo (depending on the age of your
- Plenty of towels for drying
- Comb or brush depending on whether you have a long haired cat
or a short haired one.
- A crème rinse or conditioner (great for long haired or extra
stinky cats)
- A soft wash cloth
- A deep double sink or a couple of deep rubbermaid tubs filled
with warm water (don’t try to use the bathtub, all that
water looks like an ocean to a cat and you’ll have a harder time
keeping them in there).
- The Cat
Step 3 Clean the immediate area where you plan on
completing the task. Remove all breakable objects within reach of the cat.
Because they will try grabbing onto ANYTHING to get out of that water.
Step 4 Comb or brush out mats, foreign material and loose
hair from the cat.
Step 5 Fill the water basins (2) with good warm water…not
too hot…not too cold. Add a little shampoo to one basin of water while
Step 6 Place the cat gently into the water. You’ll probably
need to hold the scruff of its neck firmly to get it in there. Don’t dunk
the cat completely. It will probably begin to howl plaintively and try to
attach itself to your head to get out of the water, but keep one hand on the
cat and use the other to wet the cat thoroughly. It helps to have a sink
sprayer to complete this task.
Step 7 Place a small amount of shampoo in your hand and
lather up the cat. Pay special attention to the really dirty areas
(usually the tails). Remember…don’t let go of the cat.
Step 8 Take the soft wash cloth, wet it with the shampoo
water and gently clean the cats head, around eyes (being careful not to get
soap in them) and their ears.
Step 9 Drain this first water and transfer the cat to the
other basin filled with clean rinse water. While you are rinsing in the second
basin, fill the first again with warm clean rinse water. Transfer the cat back
to the original side which now contains clean water. Rinse the cat again.
This is the time to use conditioner or crème rinse. Apply it like you did
the shampoo. Drain and refill the basin you just removed the cat from again
with clean warm rinse water. Switch the cat to the clean water again for a
final. You need to be concerned with getting ALL the soap, etc. off the cat.
Step 10 Drain the final rinse water and remove the cat (this
shouldn’t be hard since he will have been trying to get out all along). Wrap
the cat in a towel and blot dry. You will need to change the towel several
times...Usually 3 or so depending on coat length of the cat.
Step 11 Allow the cat a warm, draft free place to completely
dry off and sulk.
Step 12 Change your clothes (because you will be soaked as
well), clean up the huge puddle of water and wash and dry all the thoroughly
soaked towels then apply antiseptic and band aids to all the scratches the cat
inflicted upon you.
You will then, after a sufficient drying period, have a happy, clean, nice
smelling cat…until he gets into something stinky again and you have to
repeat the above process!
Written by Pamela Castoldi
Hiss Hiss Hiss!!!
By: Alfred
I HATE baths !@#%^&!
Enough said.
If your cat gets "Stressed Out" when it's bath time, then
perhaps you might like to ease kittie's anxiety with a very effective
All Natural Pet Relaxant
Have your cat "Mellow Out" and relax safely and naturally
with this Amazing new product that really does calm kitty's down
out more info here
Cat Shampoo
Dr. Jane Bicks
Skin & coat problems are one of the most frequent reasons pets see a
veterinarian ... that's why it's so important to shampoo your pet regularly.
My Spa Scents Shampoo is for both therapeutic & normal use,
cleaning and conditioning your pet and promoting a healthier looking skin
& coat.
Benefits of Spa Scents Conditioning Shampoo
- Removes dirt, which can be an irritant.
- Helps remove ecto parasites (mites, fleas, ticks, fungus and bacteria).
- Removes dead skin and hair.
- Regular bathing reduces potential allergens like dander & dead hair.
Recommended for excessive scratching and biting.
Nourishes flaky skin. Drys oily, odorous skin. Conditions dry skin. Calms
irritated skin. Leaves a fresh, shiny and full coat.
Features of Spa Scents Conditioning Shampoo
Safe and gentle enough for pets of all ages.
Easy to rinse. Tested for bacteria and fungus before bottled.
Non-toxic and no animal testing.
Spa Scents Kitty Shampoo
find out more Here