Here's why Cat's
hunt Mice & Rodents

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Why your Cats bring their Catch to you
By: Alfred
A cat's instinct in the wild is to bring home food for
multiple reasons. One reason is to store the food for lean
times, much the same way a wild leopard will drag its catch
up a tree and come back to eat it later. Another reason is
that a cat will bring home food to its young, and even its
parents, either of which the cat may consider you to be.
Yet another apparent reason is that they may be giving you a
"gift" as it were, in appreciation of your care. The actual
motivations for your cat usually fall within these three
reasons, if not all of them.
It is believed that cats were domesticated thousands of
years ago by farmers for the purpose of controlling rodent
populations because cats are such good small animal hunters.
In return we have taken them into our homes and our lives.
But never forget that cats were working animals long before
they were pampered house pets, and many cats still keep the
farmer's barn and even factories and warehouses cleared of
rats and mice.
A domestic cat that is well cared for doesn't hunt because
it is hungry but because of instinct. Even though
domesticated cats are several generations away from their
wild cousins, this doesn't mean that they still don't have
the instincts from the wild times. Cats hunt for the love of
It is the spayed females that are more likely to bring home
their kills. It is suspected that this may be because they
have been deprived of having kittens and are using you as a
substitute. You can be positive of this if your spayed
female brings home a catch that isn't dead and insists on
showing you how to catch and kill the rodent. A mother cat
teaches her kittens what she learned from her own mother
about how to hunt for food and become self-sufficient so
they can survive. They do this by first bringing home a dead
rodent and proceeding to eat it in front of the kittens.
Next she brings home a half-dead animal and proceeds to show
the kittens how to stalk, pounce and eat the prey. Later she
brings home an animal and lets it go for the kittens to do
as she has already shown them. It's basically "learn to kill
and eat 101."
A cat's hunting instinct is a part of them and it will not
be shut off just because you think it is disgusting. You
should not show displeasure or punish your cat when it hunts
and shows you its catch. It is simply doing what it was made
to do and keeping your house pest free in the process. When
the cat is gone, dispose of the rodent using gloves and wash
your hands.
The cat may think that you ate its offering and be
satisfied. NEVER EVER set out rat poison if you have a cat
that is hunting the rodents. That's a good way to kill your
Cats hunt, this is a fact. Some are better than others but
the only way you may be able to prevent your cat from
hunting is to keep your home pest free and never let your
cat outside.
Prevent Cats from Killing Birds
If you want your cat to be an outside cat and you are
concerned about your local bird population, you can fit your
cat with a breakaway collar with a bell on it and this will
alert the birds to your cat's presence so they have more of
a chance to escape.

If for some reason, the above culinary habits of your kitty
doesn't suit your personal tastes......and you would prefer to
have kitty eat a more "socially acceptable" dinner........
Then: Check out what we offer below
Here's one of Alfred's furry friends that doesn't really like
to go "mousing" and much prefers dining on
Life's Abundance Premium Cat Food

Alfred's Recommended Feline Dining Experience