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Training a Dog

involves a certain

amount of Psychology.

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Psychology of Dog Training

The psychology of Training your dog is one of the most important
things you can do to ensure you both have a peaceful co-existence
together. However, training your dog is not just teaching
your dog commands to obey or what behaviors it should not
do, there is a psychology of dog training and understanding
it is key to a successfully trained dog.

The first thing you must understand is that you can't teach
dogs not to do things; you have to instead teach them the
behavior you do want and make them happy to do that
behavior. Dogs don't jump on you when you get home because
they are bad or run when you put them on leash to make you
irritated, they do it because it is natural dog behavior.

Getting your dog to act differently than its natural
instinctual behavior means you have to change its thoughts.
The dog needs to decide it is better to do it your way,
because when it does the desired behavior it is rewarded or
praised or whatever your dog's best motivator is.

The most important thing you can do before you start any
training regime is to learn as much as you can. Learn about
different training techniques; learn about behaviors that
are unique to your breed of dog. Gathering and reviewing
this type of information will save you a lot of time and

Once you approach your dog's instinctual behaviors the right
way and train accordingly, your dog's good behavior will
become its lifelong habits. Once you have created these
habits your dog training worries are over. Effective dog
training also requires positive reinforcement, treating a
dog negatively for bad behavior will do little to make it do
what you want it to do.

Dog training the proper way builds the relationship between
you and your dog. Over time your dog will develop a desire
to do the right things. It will also gain the patience and
understanding to understand the behavior you want and the
training you have instilled in it.

So just remember that the psychology of dog training is just
as important as the techniques of dog training. If you don't
truly understand why your dog does what it does, changing
its behaviors will be much harder.

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