Duckman the Private Eye
and his partner
Cornfed the pig.
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Duckman was a sometimes crabby, sometimes lovable private eye
with a warped sense of humor. Duckman was accompanied by
his partner, Cornfed (a pig).
Other characters included Duckman's two-headed son,
Charles and Mambo, and his eldest teenage son, Ajax.
Duckman's office assistants Fluffy and Uranus who are
a pair of stuffed animal temporary workers who were
mistakenly hired as a result of a computer error.
Duckman lived with his deceased wife's identical twin Bernice
who hated him.
Duckman aired from 1994 to 1997 with 70 episodes.
Some Famous Sayings by Duckman
Come here chicken & prepare to meet your colonel
Once again I've outwitted a pitifully inadequate opponent by
staying one step ahead of em. How exactly did I do that?
I got a question. How come they can put a man on the moon,
but they can't make a deodorant that works past lunch?
I finally found a woman I can love and respect.
Look her eyes point in the same direction.
I've got thrills to seek, deaths to defy, mattress tags to tear off.
I brake for animals,..if they're big enough to dent my car.
What the hell are YOU starin' at!?!
I've seen plenty of guys with smaller bills than me....
not that I look at other guys bills.
Miracle Schmiracle, I bet those mindless pod people who
believe in that thing still wait up for the tooth fairy
The boy is fifteen years old. He still hasn't mastered
the four slice toaster.
Play with tigers, you get covered in yellow hair
Can it and sell it to someone else Bacon Boy. If I were
interested in science I wouldn't have spent all that
classroom time at the porno arcade.
Duckman. Duckman with a D. In fact PHD. Loveology.
Perhaps you'd care to stay after class while I grade on
your curves
See Also:
List of Famous Birds
in Myth, Books, Comics, Film, etc.
Totally Enjoyable Stuffed Plush Ducks

Dashing Duck Calendars