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Diabetes in Felines - Part 2 - Insulin Treatments
By: Alfred
Another form of insulin control used in feline diabetes, is by
the use of oral medications that are designed to treat hypoglycemia.
This is a better case and is more easily treatable.
In extreme cases of feline diabetes you may have to give
your cat doses of insulin by injection. You veterinarian
will determine the amount of insulin and when it is to be
injected throughout the day. This test is done in a
veterinary hospital over an extended period so that your
cats blood glucose levels will be closely monitored for
proper dosage instruction.
It has been seen that if a cat is insulin dependent through
injection, when it loses excessive weight and is put on a
good diet, often what will happen is once the weight is
taken off the cat can then be put on oral medication and may
be able to even not need insulin or medication at all.
If your cat is ever diagnosed with Feline Diabetes,
throughout your cat's life you will have to monitor its
blood glucose levels. Only after your veterinarian says that
you can stop monitoring your cat's blood glucose levels
should your stop.
There are supplements that you may be able to give your cat
that will reduce the symptoms and duration of feline
diabetes. Vanadium has been show to regulate blood insulin
levels. Antioxidants are known to help relieve stress on
tissues in the body from oxidation. But, know that
supplements are dangerous and they can kill. Never give your
diabetic cat any supplement or vitamin without your
veterinarian's consent and knowledge.
Be aware, if you accidentally give your cat too much insulin
it can create a hypoglycemic reaction that can be fatal.
Symptoms of an insulin overdose include weakness, lethargy
followed by convulsions, poor coordination and coma.
This can be counteracted, if your cat can still eat, by
giving it regular cat food, some Karo syrup and then
immediately taking the cat to the veterinarian. Your cat's
blood glucose level can be monitored with a human blood
glucose monitoring kit. This will help you to accurately
monitor your cat's blood glucose levels at home and reduce
trips to the veterinarian.
Remember, any life threatening disease or issue that happens
with your cat should be thoroughly discussed with your
feline veterinarian first before you access any other
resources. Veterinarians are professionals that have studied
the anatomy and physiology of cats and other pets and can
accurately diagnose and treat a disease. What might be
alright for one cat may not be okay for yours and you should
take proper precautions and seek professional help if your
cat develops any kind of symptoms that are adverse to your
cat's health.
Read Part 1 Feline