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Recognizing Symptoms

& Treatments of

Hairballs in Cats

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Hairballs can jeopardize your Cat's Health
By: Dr. Jane Bicks

Cats spend up to 1/3 of their waking hours self-grooming. The tiny barbs on a cat's tongue pull loose hair from it's coat and those hairs are swallowed. Because hair is very difficult to digest, it compacts with undigested food in the intestines.

The accumulation becomes a source of irritation if it is not eliminated in the litter box or coughed up. The result is messy fur-like, cigar-shaped forms on the floor or furniture. Some surgically removed hairballs are almost 3 inches in diameter.

Although you may not see hairballs, there may be a significant accumulation in your cat's stomach and intestines!

Signs of hairball problems:

* Fur-like, cigar-shaped clumps of fur on floor or furniture.

* Dry, hacking cough.

* Vomiting after meals.

* Preoccupation with eating plants or grass.

* Hair entwined with the feces.

* Dry dull coat and/or excessive shedding.

* Poor appetite and/or weight loss.

* Constipation or diarrhea.

Common Treatments: * Single focus products do not address a cat's entire system. * Mineral oil or petroleum lubricants are petrochemical products * Large amount of fiber can decrease intestinal absorption of nutrients and may result in malnourished animal * Enemas for constipation requires tranquilization and can be dangerous.


What you can do about hairballs:

I suggest you give my Gourmet Cat Treats a try if your kitty is
prone to hairballs

Try Gourmet Cat Treats for Hairball Management Here

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