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Litter Box Basics 101
Cats are fastidious and can be very fussy about their litter box, its
cleanliness, location and the type of litter used.
If your cat is not satisfied with its litter box, be careful or it may well
choose another location in your house more to its liking!
Therefore, it makes sense to keep your litter box as clean and comfortable
as possible for your cat. And remember, even the best cats may need reminders
from time to time about litter box habits.

Choosing a Litter Box
A full-size litter box, available from your pet store is appropriate for
your cat. Kittens may use a smaller box. It should be made of a non-absorbent
material, like plastic, for easy cleaning with soap and warm water and to
prevent odors from being absorbed by the box.
Placing the Litter Box
When selecting a location for your cat's litter box, choose a quiet,
out-of-the-way place that is easily accessible and will ensure your cat's
privacy. Keep the litter box away from the cat's eating and sleeping quarters,
but still within easy reach. Once you choose a location, don't move it or you
might confuse your cat. If you have more than one cat or a large house, you
might want to consider two separate locations, one on each side of the house.
Switching Fillers
At first, your cat may reject a new filler brand because it smells and
feels different. Ease your cat into the new brand slowly to reduce stress and
confusion. Begin by mixing one-third of the new filler with two-thirds of the
old. Then, gradually increase the amount of the new brand until your cat
becomes used to it.
How much Filler should you Use?
Maintain a depth of about three inches. Kittens will need less.
Cleaning the Litter Box
Cats do not like to use a dirty litter box and will choose another location
if they are dissatisfied with the environment provided for them. Conventional
filler should be cleaned daily by removing the waste. It should be completely
changed once a week. The box itself will need to be occasionally disinfected
on a regular basis to remove odors.
Disposing of Litter
When disposing of litter, wrap it in two bags and tie it securely. Do not
flush the litter down the toilet as it can be extremely harmful to plumbing.
As some clumping litter may be flushable, but may not be friendly to septic
tanks, it is a good idea to bag instead of flush your litter.
Do not use cat box filler as a fertilizer in your garden. Dumping cat waste
in your garden will not only attract flies and neighborhood cats, it will be
unhealthy to you if you eat fruits and vegetables fertilized by concentrated
amounts of it.
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