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What Names are the

most Popular given

to Puppies?


The Most Popular Names for Dogs and Puppies

The most popular dog name in North America is Sam, Sammie or
Samantha which means "listener. The second most popular is
Max, Maxie, Maxwell or Maxine, (which means "the greatest" in
Latin). Third is Lady, followed by Bear, Maggie, Buddy, Tasha,
Chelsea (or Chelsie), Holly and Shasta. Other very popular names
are Brandy, Ginger and Taffy.

It may be surprising, but more than half (50%) of all Pet Names
are either human names or nicknames. People largely name their
animals as they would name themselves.

Another fifth (20%) of names are based on the Pets appearance or
personality. A black cat becomes Blacky or Midnight, and active
dog Comet or Dash.

How to Pick a Name for your Dog or Puppy

Pick a name that the pet can easily recognize. Animals respond
better to one or two syllable names.

Choose a name that’s both easy to call out and one that you are
happy calling out. Calling out "Jack" or "Zoe" in the park may be
far less embarrassing than calling out than "Death Breath".

For dogs avoid names that sound like the standard commands of No,
Stay, Sit, Come, Down or Fetch. For example "Joe" is probably too
close to "No". It can be difficult for dogs to tell the
difference between similar sounding words.

If choosing a long name keep in mind the shortened version. A
long name will inevitably be shortened, but it may ruin the
effect that you were originally looking for.

The pet’s breed heritage can provide some useful inspiration. For
example Orientals ( Siamese and Burmese) , German (Shepherds,
Dachshunds and Schnauzers), French (Poodle), Scottish (Terriers),
or Irish (Wolfhounds and Setters). The Human Name and Foreign
Name categories may assist here.

Waiting a few days to study your pets behavior can help pick the
right name. The Personality, Affectionate and Appearance
categories may assist here.

Pick a name that will grow with the pet. For example "Kitten" may
be less appropriate for a full grown cat.

The most popular names for dogs are:


1 Max
2 Jake
3 Buddy
4 Bailey
5 Sam
6 Rocky
7 Buster
8 Casey
9 Cody
10 Duke
11 Charlie
12 Jack
13 Harley
14 Rusty
15 Toby
16 Murphy
17 Shelby
18 Sparky
19 Barney
20 Winston


1 Maggie
2 Molly
3 Lady
4 Sadie
5 Lucy
6 Daisy
7 Ginger
8 Abby
9 Sasha
10 Sandy
11 Dakota
12 Katie
13 Annie
14 Chelsea
15 Princess
16 Missy
17 Sophie
18 Bo
19 Coco
20 Tasha

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