If your dog or cat isn't pleased with their choice of
food, then we invite them to try a Free Sample of our
Life's Abundance Premium Dog or Cat Food.
To have a free sample of the natural Dog or Cat Food sent to you:
go to:
Click on the pets logo on the right side
Next page click on Dog Food
Next page click on Compare or Brand Comparison
On that page there is a link for samples
For samples of cat food, just click on the cats link and then
the compare link
Samples are free, however there is a small shipping charge applied.

"We had a couple of month's backlog of the dog food,
as Falcor quit eating as much once he was finished growing.
So I cancelled the autoship for a while."
"When he finished the Life's Abundance food, Tom
decided to see how he would do on store-bought until
I had time to set up the autoship again."
"So, for a month Falcor ate grocery-store dog food."
"I figured it would prove the value of the food to Tom.
Boy was I right! Within two weeks, Falcor's coat got dull,
and he began having bouts of diarrhea. And he was
shedding madly."
"So...the coat problem could have been just from being
at a shedding point, right? Diarrhea could have been from the
new bones Tom gave him."
"But...after 3 weeks, we noticed that he was scratching all
the time, and had chewed the hair off under his front legs. His
shedding increased, and his breath began to stink."
"Needless to say, he's back on the Life's Abundance
Daily Nutritional System, and all the above problems are
beginning to go away. I hate to remember the beloved dog
I had years back who continually suffered from "flea allergy"
that no doubt was actually malnutrition. I had no idea."
Diana Ward,
Editor, Dogs, Cats, & More E-zine
I am really impressed with your product for my little one.
My little Ginger thought I had given her a T bone steak when
I put down a few pellets of your food for her, she did not forget
about it all day and kept wanting more.
She did have a time tackling the vitamin so we crushed it
for her and she licked it right up. I noticed today that her coat
looked better, she drank well, she was active and less sleepy.
She had no choking spells and was able to chew it easily.
I had to laugh, after I put more down for her she took them
and tucked them under the couch, the coffee table and
hid them all over the house. She has no one to compete with
so I dont know who she thinks is going to sneak one LOL.
I would like to participate in your program, you got a winner
here and Ginger is the most finicky baby you have ever seen.
Hamburger is not good enough for her lol. Thank you for the
sample and I am glad we got together.
Sheryl T.
Hi, just wanted you to know that I no longer have finicky eaters.
I have the dogs (4 of them) on the Zone, and my cat on that
Life's Abundance Food for Cats.
You should see the cat's coat. She is absolutely gorgeous.
Thank you so much. More than that: Aylah, Sparky, Jonah and
Sugar (the dogs) thank you. And, the cat, Java Jive, thanks you
because she is sooooo gorgeous.
Thanks again. Elaine
I ordered this great food for my cats after your last e-letter,
they LOVE it. And I’ve been giving samples to all my cat-loving
friends and telling them they have to try it too. I (and my
think it’s the greatest thing going. Thanks for telling us about it.
Carol T.
I ordered over a hundred dollars worth of dog and cat food.
Started the two manx kittens on it and an older over weight dog
on it. The kittens are doing wonderful and the old Buddy dog
is getting shiny, thiner, doesn't eat horse and cow poop anymore
either! I love it and will continue to use it for sure.
Linda J.
I own a Golden Retriever and I also own a Black
Lab. From the first week I brought them home my wife complained
about the shedding and every week thereafter she seemed to
complain about it.
I tried all kinds of things and nothing seemed to help. Maybe a
little but it was still a BIG problem according to my wife. It
was really getting to her.
After reading in your newsletter how the shedding of your dog,
Thunder, had virtually stopped I decided to try the Life's
Abundance food.
I didn't think anything could help and was fully prepared to ask
for my money back if it didn't work. It either worked or I would
be in the "dog house" because my wife had had enough.
After the first couple of weeks I noticed a considerable
difference in their shedding and I was amazed at how smooth
and silky feeling their coats had become.
One of our neighbors was over one night and asked if I
had just give Roxy (the lab) a bath as her coat was so soft. I
told him I hadn't and explained that I changed what I was feeding
them. He was skeptical until I showed him the bag and explained
how there was nothing but wholesome healthy ingredients
in the food.
To make a long story short, my wife and I are absolutely amazed
at the difference. She even runs her hand up and down their
vigorously, showing people how little they shed now.
It really is amazing and I'm so glad we have found the
Life's Abundance food. If it's making them this healthy on the
"outside" I can only imagine all the good things it's doing for
their "insides".
Jim & Sandy C.
Lancaster, Ohio
Dave, I just want to say thanks for insisting on me getting my 14
year old schnauzer on agility. She has become a different dog.
not saying she still doesn't have a bad day, but on the most part
she has become feistier and wanting to go along with us where
ever we go.
It has made big improvement in her. Also i was happy to read
that its
ok if the dogs don't eat very much of the food. Ours are slowly
getting to where they eat a little every night. Since we were
them store bought food before this new food, it seemed like we
had to feed them a lot or they acted like they were starving.
Now, the food is down all the time, when they get hungry they
eat. I know they are getting healthier food and don't have
to eat all day long.
Here's a great BIG THANK YOU!!!
Mary B. & Piper
Hi Dave,
I just wanted to let you know that I have increased
my shipment because I have noticed a difference already!!!
My kitties love their new food, they Do Eat Less, their
stools are no longer loose nore stenchy!
They haven't had a stomach upset in 2 days! And they
have been eating it for only 5 days. So far they seem
very satisfied.
Sincerely, Alexis
Since my cat has switched to your cat food, she has
more energy and is just running "a muck" in the house.
She just seems like a whole new and different cat.
Happier, peppier and healthier.
Elaine & Tafi (my kitty)
Dear Dave -- I am very impressed with the Life's Abundance
sample you sent to my dogs. I have a very picky eater Basenji,
who would not eat anything but IAM's and only that after it was
soaked for exactly 10 minutes.
If he didn't have that he would not eat anything. Well when I got
the sample he crawled up into my lap and chewed at the bag
to get it open and then sat there and ate the whole thing by
He has Never done that.
Unheard of!!
Please accept my apology for this delayed "thank you." My cat
inhaled the food sample you sent. In fact, I performed a little
experiment and placed in her bowl on one side your food, the
other half of the bowl her daily dry food.
Well, it was no contest, she devoured your brand.
Andrea D.