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What you can do about....Skin & Coat Problems
& Allergies
Tippy & Alfred have some special information they would like to share with
your pet today concerning skin and coat problems that may occur in your dog or
By far the most common disorders experienced by our faithful dog and cat
friends involve the skin and coat.
Hot spots, bare patches, feline acne, dull-looking fur, itching, bumpy
rashes, scratching, shedding, bad smells, dandruff, pigment changes, matting
and tangles, all can reflect nutritional problems.
CJ Puotinen, author of "The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care"
says this: "The key to a lifetime of healthy skin and fur is good
Dr. Jane Bicks, author of "Natural Care For A Healthy, Happy Dog"
& "Thirty Days To A Happier, Healthier Cat" and winner of three
Presidential Citations says:
"Poor nutrition and allergies are two of the most common causes of
skin and coat problems and can lead to ailments such as dry, flaky or odorous
skin, dull brittle coats, excessive shedding and sores from frequent
scratching and biting."
What you can do
1. Grooming
Grooming is important. Regular brushing stimulates the lymph system , which
involves the immune system and waste removal.
One of the most common skin irritations is an allergic reaction to flea
bites. Go over your pet with a flea comb at least once a month in the winter
and at least once a week in the summer.
Comb your pet with the flea comb starting at the neck and on to the chest,
then remove hair from the comb onto a white paper towel or sheet of white
paper. Look for fleas or for small dark grains that look like sand. These are
probably flea feces.
Fleas do not live on your pet 24 hours a day. They often jump off and hide
in the carpets, then jump back on the pet to get their next meal.
Check for ticks at the same time. Gently massage your pet all over, feeling
for tiny bumps. If you find one, inspect it under a bright light and if it's a
tick, remove it with tweezers. Frequent brushing during tick season can help
to remove ticks that are crawling on the fur, but tweezers must be used to
remove the attached ones.
Regular bathing is important, but remember: too frequent shampooing can
strip the natural oils from the skin.
HealthyPetNet's Spa Scent's Shampoo is
perfect for shampooing pets with most skin problems because it contains a
special blend of herbs and other ingredients that will help soothe
dry, itchy, & irritated skin and condition dull, brittle coats.
It is safe and gentle enough for pets of all
ages. (And it really makes
Tippy's coat shine!)
Check the shampoo out here
We recommend once a week bathing and shampooing for your pet if at all

2. Pure Water
Pets with skin and coat problems very often have their lymph system slowed
down by the addition of too many toxins in the pet's body. The lymph system is
the body's waste disposal system and is aided by various organs such as the
liver and kidneys.
Normal cell activity produces wastes which must be gotten rid of, and
excessive wastes can come from food ingredients that are not easily digested
or assimilated into the cells. Plus many toxins are in the body from such
things as chemical preservatives, fillers in the foods, and other various
ingredients which are not digestable....and from drinking impure water.
Tap water contains chemicals like sodium fluoride and chlorine. These are
not chemicals which contribute to your pet's health and thus when drank, they
become waste that the animal must remove.
Well water is often not properly tested or treated for the presence of
bacteria/micro-organisms and there is usually a heavy concentration of
Happy & Healthy Pets recommends giving your pet ONLY Distilled water.
NOT bottled water.
Distilled water is 99.9% pure and will not only ease the burden of
chemicals being ingested, but will help to flush the liver, kidneys and lymph
system of the wastes and allow these organs to have an easier time
You can get distilled water at any local chain grocery or drug store.
Remember: many skin problems are the result of too many wastes (toxins) in
the boy that are not being flushed out.
Our Plan of Action Involves:
A. Eliminating the ingredients which may be contributing to skin and coat
problems from coming in
B. Using distilled water to help flush the wastes out
C. Regular grooming and external skin care
D. Providing a high quality food and supplement to help feed the skin and
strengthen the immune system
3. Nutrition
CJ Puotinen tells us, "Most skin conditions respond well to a complete
change in diet....... Supplements are important because most pets with
allergies have impaired digestion and need help assimilating nutrients from
food...... Antioxidants are an allergic pet's allies."
It's just like this..... Do you really believe that by feeding your
pet chemical preservatives like BHA & BHT, and Ethoxyquin ( all proven to
be either carcinogenic or to cause liver & kidney damage) your pet is
going to have healthy cells?
The food we eat and the food our pets eat is what eventually becomes our
cells and our tissue. Feed the cells a diet of chemical toxins and the wrong
balance of minerals, and guess what's going to happen?
What would happen to your child if you fed him or her a consistent diet of
toxic chemicals, chocolate cake and ice cream, and soda pop?
Your pet is no different!
The skin is the largest organ in the body. Overload the lymph system and
the liver with garbage and you're going to have a skin or another organ with
problems. We can't put it any simpler.
Go take a look at the label on what you're feeding your pet right now. Look
for two things:
A. The presence of chemical preservatives
B. An over abundance of carbohydrates (corn, wheat, rice, etc) to meat
protein sources.
To have a food that feeds the cells the proper nutrition for dogs and cats,
you should have a food that has at least 3 quality MEAT protein sources to
every 2 carbohydrates.
Get an over abundance of carbohydrates to proteins and your pet (dog or
cat) is not getting the right balance of minerals and amino acids that they
need to sustain optimum levels of health.
Improper Nutrition + Chemical Preservatives + Impure Water
Poor Health
Your pet's health and well being is your choice.
We recommend:
1. Regular grooming & brushing.
2. Drinking Distilled water.
3. Switching your pet over to a food that contains no harmful
chemicals and one that contains the right ratio of meat proteins to
4. Supplementing the pet's diet with quality supplements that
will "fill in the nutritional gaps" & help feed specific organs
and tissue that have problems.
5. And as all of you already do: Give them as much love &
affection as possible.
As our readers know there are a good many excellent foods out there that do
not have chemical preservatives and that do have the right ratio of meat
proteins to carbohydrates.
We feed Tippy, Alfred, and the rest of the cats Life's Abundance. We have
noticed such an Incredible difference in their coats and now lack of skin
problems .....and Lack of Fleas!!! that it has totally amazed us at the
Please consider switching your pet over to what Tippy, Alfred, and Dr. Dave
consider to be one of the finest quality, holistic pet foods currently on the
Take a look here
We are not allowed to tell you that switching to any food or taking any
supplement can cure, ease, mitigate, or prevent any medical condition.....but
we can tell you the AMAZING difference we've seen in our pet's lives and
coats; and we have a considerable number of testimonies from other pet owners
who have seen significant differences in their pet's skin and coat problems
after switching.
What Life's Abundance Skin & Coat Formula can do for your pet:
* Aids in soothing
irritated skin from the inside out.
* Is recommended by
Dr. Jane Bicks for animals with excessive
itching and scratching.
* Is formulated for
flaky skin: dry or oily
* Will help to
promote a shiny, healthy, full coat.
* Promotes healthy
skin & coat thus reducing shedding.
The Skin & Coat Formula:
Contains natural, wholesome skin & health support nutrients including
fish oil (omega fatty acids) and vitamin E. Delicious roast beef flavor.
Fatty acids are microencapsulated for better absorption. Oil is certified
free of contaminates such as mercury & lead.
Manufactured by a pharmaceutical plant that makes human products.
Use in conjunction with Herbal Conditioning Shampoo & Soothing Mist for
the optimal health of your pet's skin & coat.
This formula was tested on over 200 dogs in over 40 veterinary clinics and
proven effective.
You can try the Skin & Coat Formula here