If you're looking for an Adorable and Exceptionally
Cute stuffed plush bird, then we suggest taking a look
at these Incredibly Beautiful and Charming Plush Stuffed Tanagers.
The Tanager is from the family Thraupidae and is found in
America. Originally there were two hundred and forty species
but the Tanager species are currently being reclassified.
This is because of the ability now to use DNA to properly
classify birds and other animals.
Tanagers are small to medium sized songbirds. The smallest
Tanager is the White-eared Conebill which is about four
inches (ten centimeters) long and weighs only a quarter of
an ounce (seven grams). The largest is the Magpie Tanager,
which is eleven inches (twenty-eight centimeters) long and
weighs less than three ounces (eighty-five grams). The
heaviest Tanager is the White-capped Tanager that weighs
four ounces (one hundred and fourteen grams) and is nearly
nine inches (twenty-two centimeters) long.
Both the male and female are usually the same size and
weight. Tanagers have bright colored plumage except for a
few species which are simply black and white. A yearling
Tanager is usually dull colored or a totally different color
from the adults. Male Tanagers are usually more brightly
colored than the female Tanagers.
Tanagers forage for food and the shape of their bills seems
to be linked to this habit. Tanagers also have round short
Tanagers are found mostly in South America and the Andes.
There are eighteen species of Tanager that live in Central
America and North America all year. Four species of Tanager
migrate and breed in North America. These species are the
Hepatic Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, Summer Tanager and the
Western Tanager. But recent evidence suggests that these
four species may be more closely related to the Cardinal.
Tanagers tend to live in small groups of three to five
birds. Usually the members are related like the parents and
the offspring. Tanagers can be seen amongst themselves or
mixed in with other species of birds. There songs and calls
range from dull to very lovely depending upon the Tanager
Tanagers have a varied diet from genus to genus and usually
they are omnivorous. They have been seen to eat fruits,
flower parts, insects, nectar and seeds. They hunt insects
in all manner of ways by picking them off trees, from under
leaves or in midair. Many types of Tanagers will live in the
same area and usually they do not compete for food because
the different species have different diet preferences.
Exceptionally Alluring Plush Stuffed Tanagers
That are as Sweet and
Charming as they look.
# 2 is the Stuffed Scarlet Tanager (bottom far left)

Plush stuffed Scarlet Tanager toy birds
that are just so Pleasant and Cheerful to have around.
Pamper yourself and get one for you! After all,
you Deserve a Treat just because you are Special.
and these stuffed Scarlet Tanagers will be such
a Cheery addition to your home. We Promise
you'll soon fall in love with these birds.
Order Your Plush Tanagers
mousing on the Stuffed Ark streamer

Terrifically Tantalizing Tanager Calendars