Let's Get this Party Started!
These Stupendously Soft Plush Stuffed Teddy Bears
are ready to come bring loads of Warmth and
Cheerfulness to your family.
Extravagantly Adorable
Plush Stuffed Teddy Bears ....
that will have you sitting on top of the universe!

12 inches high Plush Stuffed Teddy Bear
4 styles for you to select from
Once you see these plush stuffed Teddy Bears
your heart will melt like ice cream on a hot summers day!
This exceptionally cute stuffed Teddy Bears will make
an excellent gift for that special person in your life.....
for children, and for all animal lovers everywhere.
Amazingly Cute and Softer than Charmin Bathroom
Stuffed Plush Teddy Bears
get yours at the Stuffed Ark banner Here:

Many more stuffed bears & animals
view the entire collection at the Stuffed Ark banner above!
Fast Service & Delivery......Very Reasonable Prices
Delightful Teddy Bear & Animal Calendars
The History of the Teddy Bear
The Teddy Bear is an icon among childhood toys. Teddy Bears
are usually soft stuffed fabric animals in the shape of a
bear and are very popular. They are made from many different
fabrics, from mink to toweling, and a variety of fillers,
buttons, bows and clips. A Teddy Bear often becomes the best
friend and confidant of the child (or even the adult) who
owns it.
The Teddy Bear is actually a fairly recent addition to
children's toys and was developed in 1902 and appeared in
both the United States and Germany in the same year.
In 1902 the Teddy Bear was first put into production when a
cartoon drawn by Clifford Berryman, depicting President
Theodore Roosevelt refusing to shoot a young bear, was
published in the Washington Post. This bear had been shot
previously by President Roosevelt but he missed the kill
shot and the hosts of the hunting trip captured the bear and
tied it up so the President could shoot it again.
The President's refusal to shoot a captive bear went down in
history as the rumored start of the Teddy Bear. In fact
"Teddy" is supposedly from Theodore, the first name of
President Roosevelt.
The cartoon was said to inspire Morris and Rose Michtom of
Brooklyn, New York to make a toy bear in honor of President
Roosevelt. The candy/stationery company Michtom displayed
the bear in the front of their store. Instead of looking
realistic on all four paws this Teddy Bear was upright and
cute like the one in the cartoon drawn by Berryman.
The demand for a "Teddy Bear" was so large that the Michtoms
and Butler Brothers came together to manufacture the Teddy
Bears in the United States under the company name Ideal
Novelty and Toy Company.
At around the same time, in Germany Richard Steiff, who was
working for his aunt Margarete Steiff at her stuffed toy
company, made a "Teddy's Bear" based upon the sketches that
Richard Steiff did of the zoo bear cubs. These "Teddy's
Bears" looked more like a real bear cub than the cute
Michtom "Teddy Bear".
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