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How to train your puppy to be adorable

How long ought we to consider the puppy a puppy? And for him, at
what period does the seriousness of life begin? Important
questions, these, which have definite bearing upon the puppy's
proper handling. For one thing, there comes a time when we must
make it clear to him that there is a difference between being
cute and being destructive. The foundation of many a bad habit
is formed between the age of four and six months, a time when
naughtiness is tolerated, even soft-heartedly excused as "cute."
It does look cute, too, when a tiny tot tries perhaps to catch a
pigeon and appears mischievously concerned as the pigeon rapidly
takes to the air; but such an act may later blossom into the
trick of chasing after chickens, bicycles, automobiles and other
fast moving objects thereby endangering the lives of all who

Another embryo bad habit is started on its way when the puppy
sits beside the dinner table, turning his head this way and that
to get the scent of food and finally barking his indignation at
what he considers too long a wait for a tidbit. To tolerate
begging and unnecessary barking one time as cute, and another
time to banish the youngster peremptorily from the table, is to
tempt him to take by stealing something he cannot get in his
accustomed manner.

Too, considerable hilarity is occasioned when the little fellow
shakes a rag, loses his balance and falls over his own feet.
Persisted in without correction, this trick may later find
substituted for the old rag such valuables as silk stockings,
carpets, curtains and such, and no longer is the trick held as

It may also appear quite engaging to watch the young puppy
attempt an attack upon another dog, in a playful way dashing
after him despite the calls of the owner and in total disregard
of the dangers of the street. Now such things as dog righting,
and not coming when called can sometimes be traced to too much
liberty in playing with other dogs without control, as the puppy
approaches the age of junior dog. Many more examples might be
cited illustrative of puppy cuteness as the excuse for the formation
of later bad habits, but the above I believe will suffice to
make the point clear.

Until the puppy is six months old, give him as much liberty as
possible. When out of doors, keep him on leash only where
traffic may be dangerous: unleash him where he may play safely
with other dogs, though always within sight of his master.
Plenty of fresh air and play are essential to the puppy, while
experience on leash in traffic is necessary in order that he may
become accustomed to crowds and autos and unexpected noises,
this principally to prevent the development of shyness.

Puppyhood is the time to teach the little fellow that nothing is
dangerous so long as he is on leash and in close proximity to
his master. From four to six months of age is the time to begin
primary education. For the first time he hears spoken in a
friendly voice the command HEEL!

Jane Simpson is a freelance writer and
regularly writes on matters related to pets. She writes
frequently for

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