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Scientific Break through in Weight Loss Management
for Dogs
Renowned Veterinarian Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr. Barry Sears, creator
of the Zone diet for humans have partnered together. This to scientifically
formulate a unique and totally revolutionary new food for overweight
dogs that will Effectively enhance your dog's weight loss.
The Zone Diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears. It’s not some mystical
place. It is a state of nutrient balance that can be achieved through
the dietary intake of 30% protein, 30% fat and 40% carbohydrates.
The proteins must be Premium Quality, the fats a unique blend from
different sources and the carbohydrates a combination of special grains.
This precise Balance of specific nutrients keeps blood insulin at a
constant level, so the body can use fat as energy rather than store it.
When your dog’s body is in the Zone, it works more Efficiently allowing
it to process the carefully selected nutrients more Effectively. The
result is shedding unwanted extra pounds while retaining lean muscle,
a shiny coat and Robust Good Health.
Your dog depends on you ... help him live the healthiest life possible.
Give your dog a weight loss food that Actually Works and will keep your
dog in robust good health with a Shiny Coat and the Energy to live life
to its fullest.
You can find out more about the Zone diet and how it can Effectively
help your dog achieve the weight loss it needs...and do it Safely....
Discover what it's all about

All Natural, Healthy Low Fat
Doggie Treats
Find out more Here