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Is Rimadyl a good thing to treat Canine Arthritis?
By: Tippy
Rimadyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is
used to treat Canine Arthritis. It drastically reduces the
symptoms associated with this debilitating disease. This
medication is a controlled substance and you must have a
prescription from your veterinarian in order to get it for
your dog.
What is Rimadyl composed of?
Rimadyl is the brand name of Carprofen. This medication is
for Canine Arthritis and comes in three forms: injection,
caplets and chewable. The chewable Rimadyl is liver flavored
and most dogs consider the medicine to be a treat rather
than medicine.
Rimadyl is a drug that reduces pain, inflammation and
soreness in your dog's joints and limbs that is caused by
Canine Arthritis. Injections of Rimadyl are only to be
administered by your veterinarian unless you are taught to
do it yourself at home with your veterinarian's approval.
Who should take Rimadyl?
Canines are the primary users of Rimadyl. Rimadyl is
primarily to treat arthritis in canines but the drug is also
given to dogs that have gone through surgery involving the
soft-tissue as a result of accident or injury. Carprofen
used to be given to humans but now it is no longer.
What is the right dose of Rimadyl for my dog?
Dosages of Rimadyl are determined by Veterinarians only.
After your pet has been diagnosed with Canine Arthritis by a
veterinarian then and only then will a prescription be given
to you for this medication if the veterinarian deems that it
is the best treatment for your dog.
The usual dosage is one milligram per one pound of body
weight. In some cases it is used for postoperative pain and
is then given two hours before the surgery is to take place.
What benefits does Rimadyl have for my dog?
Rimadyl has been effective in controlling pain and
inflammation that is brought on by Canine Arthritis and
other diseases that affect the joints and ligaments. Rimadyl
does not cure Canine Arthritis; instead it helps your dog to
move around with less pain from the associated disease. In
some dogs the pain relief is nearly instant while in others
it takes more time and in some cases the dog doesn't show
any significant improvement at all.
Rimadyl is a drug that must be given according to a schedule
as prescribed by your veterinarian in order for the medicine
to be effective. If a dose is missed then your dog can
suffer the symptoms of the disease that you are trying to
relieve with Rimadyl.
What precautions should you take when giving your dog
If your dog has a problem with developing a hypersensitivity
to NSAID's then it should not take Rimadyl. NSAID's have
also had side effects like gastrointestinal problems and
renal toxicity. Dogs that are pregnant or lactating should
not take Rimadyl because of the side effects that may affect
the mother dog and the pups. But most dogs are okay taking
What side effects should I watch for if my dog is taking
Common side effects of taking Rimadyl are: stomach upset,
ulcers, bleeding ulcers, kidney problems and liver disease.
If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms you should take
your dog to the veterinarian. These side effects can happen
with little warning and should not be taken lightly even if
your dog has been taken Rimadyl for a long time.
You should also watch for irregular appetite, diarrhea,
vomiting, changes in behavior, irregular bowel syndrome and
feces coloring, yellowing skin, gums and eyes, changes in
frequency of urination and drinking habits, or scabs that
appear on the skin.
If any of these symptoms appear consult your veterinarian
immediately. Long term side effects can result in liver
damage and even death.
Can you give other medications alongside Rimadyl?
Rimadyl should not be combined with other NSAID's or with
steroids. If you dog is currently taking any medicines, your
veterinarian should be notified about them before your dog
is put on Rimadyl.
The same goes for any natural herbals or
vitamins that you
are giving your dog. It is very important that you report
any medications your dog has taken in the past as well. This
will give your veterinarian a clearer idea of what treatment
your dog should follow and avoid life threatening drug
What should I do if my dog overdoses on Rimadyl?
It is very important that you not give more than the
prescribed dose of medicine to your dog unless you consult
your veterinarian first. Should your dog accidentally ingest
more than the recommended amount contact poison control and
your veterinarian immediately.
A higher dose of Rimadyl than prescribed can result in the
death of the dog. Always be sure to keep medications out of
the reach of any children or pets and in a secure area and

How should Rimadyl be stored?
Rimadyl tablets should not be exposed to temperatures below
or above fifty-nine to eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit
(fifteen to thirty degrees Celsius). The doses of Rimadyl
should be stored in the refrigerator and be kept at forty-
six degrees F. (eight degrees Celsius) or below. Be sure to
store the medicine where pets and children cannot access it.
How effective is Rimadyl?
Rimadyl effectiveness drastically varies from dog to dog and
can only be determined by being taken by the dog for a
period of time. Some dogs experience immediate relief of
pain associated with Canine Arthritis. With other dogs it
takes some time to see any result, if any results are to
happen at all.
The way to see if the Rimadyl is working is by watching the
mobility of the dog. If your dog is able to move around with
seemingly less pain, and moves around more often, then the
Rimadyl is helping with your dog's canine arthritis.
Remember to talk to your veterinarian about Rimadyl and its
effectiveness and side effects. Once your dog is on the
drug, if there are any unexpected symptoms or if your dog's
condition worsens in any way let your veterinarian know
There are other NSAID's that can be prescribed for your dog
and other methods to treat canine arthritis so if Rimadyl
doesn't work you aren't out of options for your dog. The
most important thing is to find a treatment that is
effective and still as safe as possible for your dog, to
relieve the symptoms of Canine Arthritis if not reverse the
condition if caught early enough.
A Cool way to keep your Dog Healthy