Do you Wonder
why Cats won't
Use the Litter Box?
My Cat won't use the Litter Box..... what can I do?
- Cleanliness : It is very important to buy a attractive
litter pan and keep it very clean so that cat is attracted to the pan
- Territory Marking : Most of the animals mark their
territory of movement. Incase the litter pan is outside the territory, the
cat may not go to the litter pan.
- Privacy : That cat always prefers privacy at the time
of attending its natures call. Hence it is most important to keep the tray
in place where their is some privacy.
- Health : If the cat is suffering from health problem it
may find difficult to reach litter pan
Why does my cat not accept litter?
- Cleanliness : It is most important to keep the litter
clean by removing the clumps from the litter pan. So that cat is attracted
to the litter
- Odors: Cats prefer litter which have natural odor. Cat
may not accept the litter having chemical or other additives smell. Try and
Use natural clumping litter made of Bentonite.
- Health: In case, cat is suffering from ill health it
may find difficult to use the litter. So regular medical check-up is
How do I use my litter product easily?
- Normally the litter layer should be about 2 to 3 inches thick in the
tray. It may vary depending on the type of litter and size of the cat.
How do I eliminate odor problems from my litter box?
- Remove the litter waste regularly. Preferable within 30 minutes of the
use. Always use odor free natural clumping litter made of Bentonite such
I notice larger than normal clumps. Is there any reason for this?
- Larger clumps can occur when you use inferior quality litter having less
absorbency capacity. You can avoid this problem by using good litter
manufactured from Bentonite having high absorbency.
Will the clumping litter harm my cat?
- No, never Clumping Litter always helps the cat to keep itself clean. You
only need to remove the clumped portion of the litter by scoop. Now more
and more pet lover use clumping litter.
Will the litter dust harm my cat?
- The litters manufactured by 100% natural Bentonite having strong
particles do not form much dust
My conventional litter isn't controlling the odor, what can I do about it?
- This problem differs from litter to litter. we advise you to use 100%
natural litter made out of Bentonite to tackle this problem
What should I do when I want to switch over to other litter brands?
You should switch litters very slowly to prevent confusing your cat.
First, mix one-third of the new litter with two-thirds of the old. As the
cat gets used to the new litter, increase the amount of new litter and
decrease the amount of the old. Once your cat is using more of the new
litter, stop using the old litter completely.
There are several types
Non-traditional Cat Litters
For a review of several brands of kitty litter,
Natural product made from whole corn
Glamour Kitty

Litter Box Odors
Find out how you
can Remove Pet Odor
Natural Cat Food & Feline Care Products