Anyone who owns a horse should own a well-stocked First Aid Kit.
Start by buying a plastic bucket that has a lid and place all of
the first aid supplies in the tightly sealed container. The
following are first-aid supplies that are essential to a
well-stocked First Aid Kit. These supplies should be kept in all
First Aid Kits...
Iodine Solution Diluted
An Iodine Solution that is properly diluted is Betadine. Any
fresh wounds should be flushed out with this solution.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Only use Hydrogen Peroxide to flush deep wounds or punctures.
Neosporin and Nolvasan
These are topical antiseptic ointments that fight bacteria and
promote healing. These should be used twice daily after a
veterinarian has seen the wound.
Sterile Gauze Sponges
Use these when cleaning the wounded area with an Diluted Iodine
Sterile Gauze Roll and Self-Adhesive Tape
The Self-Adhesive Tape holds the Gauze to the wound. The tape is
easily applied and removed. A few good brands are: Kling,
Elastikon, Flexus and Vet-Rap.
Blunt-tipped Bandage Scissors
These come in handy for removing bandages.
Topical Eye Ointment
Nonsteroidal Eye Ointment comes in handy when a horse injures his
eye, and a veterinarian is not immediately available.
Rectal Thermometer
An adult horse's normal temperature is between 99.0 and 101
degrees F.
Injectable Sedative and Pain Killer
Keep a small dose of each available. They come in handy in
situations such as colic or for horses who are unwilling.
Other Supplies That Should be Included:
Hoof Pick
Fly Lotion
Wire cutters
By: Cheryl McNamee-Sutor