Cats that have
Become Famous
Cats in cartoons, cats as mascots, cats on tv
Eek, Mimsey, Aristocats, Puss in Boots,
Ruff & Reddy,
Super Snooper

Eek the Cat
Eek the cat aired from 1992 to 1997. It was known as Eek the Cat,
Eek and the Terrible Thunderlizards, and finally Eek-Stravanganza
during it's 5 year run.
Mimsey the MTM Kitty Cat

Mimsey the MTM Kitty Cat
Little orange kitty cat seen on the closing logo of the MTM (Mary Tyler
Moore) TV Productions.
A parody of the Leo the Lion mascot, this "MTM" kitty concluded each
episode with a sweet but timid "Meow."
Mimsey was rescued from a local animal shelter and became the kitten
that would roar. After her foray into show business, the kitten
lived the remainder of its life in the San Fernando Valley home
of an MTM staffer."
Mimsey was born in 1968 and died in 1988. The Mimsey logo has appeared
at the end of many MTM productions and with a number of variations.
On episode # 71 of the original series Mary Tyler Moore appeared in place
of the MTM Kitty, and mouthed the words "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"
The Aristocats

The Aristocats
(1970)is a Disney animated film by director Wolfgang Reitherman.
The plot of the movie is quite simple. The cats live in a Parisian mansion
owned by Madame Adelaide Bonfamille (voice of Hermione Baddeley).
The cats try to become sophisticated aristocrats like their owner, so
they study painting, piano, and singing. Madame Adelaide Bonfamille's
butler Edgar (voice of Roddy Maude-Roxey) thinks he will inherit
when the old woman dies, but then he comes to believe that she has
left everything to her cats, so he abducts the cats and takes them far
away where they can never be able to return.
Once far away in the country they are befriended by a smart alley cat
named Thomas O'Malley (voice of Phil Harris). They are also aided
by a host of other animals including, two redneck dogs named Lafayette
and Napoleon, two silly geese named Abigail Gabble and Amelia Gabble
and a sweet little mouse named Roquefort.
The film is a musical, but the numbers, while pleasant enough, are
not at all memorable. The dialog has few good lines and these
typically come from the sage O'Malley. He is down on humans as a
species reflecting, "Humans don't really worry too much about
their pets.
Puss In Boots
Puss In Boots
Charles Perrault first published his collection of classic French
folk tales 300 years ago, including "Cinderella,"
"Sleeping Beauty," and Puss In Boots.
In the story of Puss In Boots, a miller dies and leaves one of his sons
nothing but the cat. This cat turns out to be quite clever and earns the
favor of the King for his master. The cat also obtains land and a castle
for his master and gives him the title of the Marquis of Carabas.
The King becomes so impressed by the Marquis that he offers his
daughter's hand in marriage, and the simple miller's son becomes a prince.
Ruff and Reddy

Ruff and Reddy
Ruff and Reddy was the first made for TV cartoon from William Hanna and
Joseph Barbera, the Oscar-winning duo responsible for M-G-M's Tom
and Jerry cartoons.
Ruff and Reddy first appeared December 14, 1957 on NBC-TV.
Ruff and Reddy featured a brainy cat, Ruff, and a brainless dog, Reddy.
Teamed with the kindly Professor Gismo, they faced such evil-doers as
Killer and Diller, the terrible Texas twins, Captain Greedy and
Salt Water Daffy, the chicken-hearted Chickasaurus, the Goon of
Glocca Morra and others in various madcap adventures.
Super Snooper & Blabber Mouse

Super Snooper and Blabber Mouse
Snooper And Blabber was a popular segment of Hanna-Barbera's
Quick Draw McGraw Show. Super Snooper and Blabber Mouse
were a cat and mouse team of detectives who chased bank
robbers, spies, and ghosts.
Episodes aired as part of the Quick Draw McGraw show
from 1959- 1962. Premiered: September 29,1959
Over 30 years later, Snooper & Blabber made a cameo in Super
Secret Secret Squirrel segment on the 2 Stupid Dogs show.
The voice of Daws Butler as Snooper and Blabber

See also:
More Famous Cats
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