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Bronchial Asthma

& Feline Asthma

in Cats

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Asthma, Allergic Bronchitis and Bronchial Asthma in Cats
By: Alfred

Feline asthma also called bronchial asthma, allergic
bronchitis or chronic bronchitis and is a common affliction
suffered by cats. Allergens that are inhaled through the
nose will cause the airways to constrict causing the
clinical symptoms of feline asthma. The allergens may not be
detectable but they can include pollens, molds, smoke,
sprays, dust or various grasses.

There is no real way to determine whether your cat will end
up with feline asthma. It strikes cats of all breeds and
ages and about one percent of the cat population will suffer
from this particular disease.

Coughing and wheezing are the most common symptoms that
occur with feline asthma. Gagging or retching can also occur.
Don't confuse this with a hairball; there is usually no
evidence of a hairball associated with this symptom.

If your cat starts coughing badly and then starts panting
through the mouth you must take the cat to the veterinarian
right away. This is serious and can threaten your cat's

The way to diagnose feline asthma is by your veterinarian
taking an x-ray of the lungs and doing a blood count and
other tests to rule out other diseases that might be causing
the problem, because the symptoms of feline asthma mimic
other very serious feline diseases.

Sometimes the chest x-ray will be fine, in other cases the
x-ray may show collapse of part of the lung or over-
extension or bronchial inflammation. With treatment you cat
may live a relatively normal life providing that the asthma
isn't chronic. Your veterinarian will prescribe the proper
medicine and dosage for your cat. In most cases it will be
some type of inhaler or bronchodilator.

You can reduce the symptoms of feline asthma by improving your
cat's diet and using medication.

Other helps include:

* Never allow your cat outside if it is afflicted with this disorder.
* Do not smoke inside your home
* Or have a fireplace that produces a lot of smoke
* Stop using air fresheners and aerosols.
* Get a dustless cat litter.
* Use an air purifier in your home.

And if your cat is obese get with your veterinarian to
manage the weight and take it off. Sometimes a cat's simply
losing the extra pounds will stop the asthma symptoms from

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