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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease - Part 1
By: Alfred
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease was known as FUS or
feline urologic syndrome. FLUTD and FUS are the same
disease. The name changed to FLUTD when they learned more
about the disease and decided to change the name to more
accurately reflect the disease.
Symptoms of feline lower urinary tract disease are
inflammation, irritation and/or obstruction of the lower
urinary tract specifically the urinary bladder and urethra.
These symptoms can occur singularly all or some at any given
As of today doctors still are not sure what exactly causes
feline urinary tract disease. There are, however,
contributing factors and suspicions as to what lead to this
particular disease. It has been linked to anything in the
urine capable of causing an obstruction, and most often
strikes male cats.
There isn't any known prevention, just suggestions as to
what to avoid. Treatment varies from controlling the cat's
diet to surgery to remove the obstruction. If the disease is
caught in time most cats go on to live normal, healthy, full
lives. If there are any recurring symptoms the cat should be
taken to the veterinarian immediately to treat the disease
in case there is a reoccurrence.
The symptoms for feline urinary tract disease are as
In females one of the first symptoms to watch for is
frequent trips to the litter box with little urine voided,
straining to urinate, blood in the urine and urination in
other places besides the litter box.
Males exhibit all the same symptoms as female cats with
FLUTD except that in males the urethra can become completely
blocked off and this is a serious problem that can result in
the death of the cat if action isn't taken quickly enough.
In males this obstruction more often occurs where the
urinary tract narrows at the spot in which the urethra
enters the bulbourethra gland. Particles that can easily be
voided out of the bladder travel the urethra to this
juncture and become lodged at this narrow part of the
urethra, causing complete blockage.
Female cats do not have this problem because at no point
does their urethra narrow, in fact it widens toward the end.
These symptoms are much more severe than simple bladder
inflammation caused by an infection. This is an emergency
that requires immediate steps to relieve the obstruction.

Feed your Kitty the Finest Food in America
By: Alfred
Alfred is certainly an expert on eating various types of cat food.
After all, he does it every day. And after reviewing many of the
cat foods out there, he only recommended one food as making him look
and feel his very best.
Life's Abundance Premium Health Food
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