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These Horse Information sites are the ones that the horses
here at Pet Care Tips recommend for your reading pleasure.





     Really Neat Horse Gift Items






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How you can help Ease your Horse's Pain




     Our Good Friends at

*         World Wide Farrier Directory

*         American Farriers Association

*         The Guild of Professional Farriers

*         The World Farriers Association

*         Everything about Leg Injuries

*         Equine Breeds

*         Rescue & Wild Horse Organizations

*         Equine Links Galore

*         NetVet

*         The International Museum of the Horse

*         The Kentucky Derby

*         The Kentucky Derby Museum



Personal Web Sites of our Special Friends


*     Cherry Hill Horse Information, Books, and Videos
Description: Books, videos, and articles from award-winning author Cherry Hill on English and Western riding, health care, ground training, barn design and building, stable management, hoof care,
horseshoeing, nutrition, grooming, lameness, buying and selling horses, behavior. 

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