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The Entertaining Story of Little Cat C
By: Little Cat C
Meow, Meow, Meow
Purrs and rubs to all you wonderful feline owners.
When I was a little bitty kitten, some cruel person dumped me off near
Dave's farm, along with my sister, Little Cat B, and big brother, Little Cat A.
Jan, (Dave's wife), went out an rescued us one at a time, as she heard our
pathetic meows for life. We missed out mommy and had no idea what happened to
But luck sure was with us because we ended up at Jan & Dave's and they
have been such wonderful friends to us ever since.
When we got there, we were all scared of that big, black and white dog,
Tippy. but eventually we managed to learn to put up with her, but hey, we had
plenty of food and lot's of love and attention.
But while the food was plentiful, it actually sucked.
Dave was a cheap skate and bought the cheapest food for us he could find.
The big dummy.
Our big step-brother Alfred had tried to tell Dave that we all needed a
high quality protein food...not a low quality food that was full of
carbohydrates like corn.
You know what I mean, cheap ingredients like corn and wheat, and you get a
cheap price on the bag, and of course, a pet thats got problems.
Well, guess what happened?
The big dog, sick, real sick and had to go away to the vets to
get better.
I did too.
I really took a liking to Dave and used to come in and sit on his lap all
the time and lay around on his important papers on his desk, and make sure he
paid attention to me.
But more and more, I was just feeling lousy.
I started getting real skinny, was losing my hair in big splotches, and had
hundreds of these little bumps all over me, plus I was center ring for the
local flea circus.
I felt so bad, I quit coming in the house and stayed under the porch all
day and nite.
Dave said I was going to die.
The vet gave him this real yucky stuff called Advantage and while it did
get rid of my fleas for a little while, he had to put it on every month, and I
kept getting sicker and sicker.
Then when Tippy came home, Dave got this new food he called Life's
Abundance for us.
Man, was that just the cat's meow!
What a great taste it had and we loved it. Plus Dave gave us these treats
he said were the Daily Supplements. They are these little heart shaped
thingies and man are they ever great tasting.
Tippy started getting better, and believe it or not..... So Did I!
I started gaining weight, and started feeling like a real cat again.
Within two months time all my hair had grown back, the bumps were fanished,
and I no longer had fleas and didn't have to take that toxic Advantage
Glory Hallejuuuuu---jah!
Now I'm one very pretty kitty and I love to pester Dave, when I'm not
napping, and I feel like a million bucks.
Dave said it was a miracle what happened to me.
I do know one thing for certain, I was dying and now I've got all this
energy and look really, really good,.....I feel like I've been born again.
That wonderful cat lady that came up with this food, what's her name?
Dr. you suppose she's an Angel?
Cat Fancy 12th Annual Editor's Choice
Each year Cat Fancy magazine showcases products that
provide merit and enrichment to cats and cat owners.
The editors of Cat Fancy magazine carefully select the best
products offered, keeping in mind your cats' health,
fitness, comfort, and mental well-being.
Cat Fancy magazine is the Premier offline cat magazine
and only selects products for these Prestigious awards
which are the "best of the best."
The 2002 December issue voted Life's Abundance Cat Food
to receive Cat Fancy Editor's Choice Award for being
the best cat food out of all the foods Cat Fancy reviewed!!!
No wonder Alfred and his feline friends at home look and feel
so good and have such Smooth and Silky coats!
Alfred says if your feline friend hasn't yet enjoyed the same
dining experience he does every day, then he invites you to
try a bag of the Life's Abundance food and watch your kitty
purr like a well oiled motor.
Yum Yum!!!
Check out Little Cat
C's Favorite Feline Cuisine
Little Cat C
Find out why Alfred is such a
Happy & Healthy Kitty