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Thriving on companionship

Norwegian Forest Cats

are very big.

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"Wegie," the Norwegian Forest Cat
Written by: Baby Kitty and Sir Alfred

The Norwegian Forest Cat is native to Northern Europe and is a
domesticated cat breed that is adapted to extremely cold climates.
They are called the Skogkatter or Norsk Skaukatt, which literally
means Norwegian Forest Cat, in Norway.

This cat breed is very old and is adapted to the cold climate of their
native region. Until the 1930's they weren't considered to be anything
other than an ordinary house cat. A small number of this breed was
shown in Germany and were favorably received by judges. The breed was
then forgotten during the era of World War II and reemerged in the

Today the Norwegian Forest Cat is being bred and shown in many
different countries including the USA. The FIFe in 1977 was the first
international association to accept the breed into their registry. The
long-haired Manx and Maine Coon are rumored to be descendants of the
Norwegian Forest Cat.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is especially adapted to the cold of Northern
Europe. These cats have a fluffy, thick, double coat, long tufts of
fur at the ends of their ears, fur between their toes and a tail that
is long and bushy. Their fur coat is in essence waterproof, with a
dense inner layer and a water repellant outer layer. These cats are
very big, weighing between thirteen and twenty-two pounds (six to ten
kilograms). The front legs are shorter than the back legs.

These cats are playful and intelligent. They enjoy the company of
humans and if left alone for a long period they can get nervous. The
nickname of this breed is the "Wegie" and is a shortened version of
the word "Norwegian". This nickname, pronounced like "squeegee," began
in the United States.

These cats are smart, fun and robust and enjoy being outdoors. They
are especially adapted to cold weather and are excellent hunters. They
also enjoy the company of other pets and humans despite their
affection for the outdoors. They have been known to go and search for
company when they are lonely. These cats are also quite patient and
adapt well to change and make excellent pets for families with

Wegies like high places and will often go to the highest point in
order to survey their territory. Owners say that if you want to find
your Norwegian Forest Cat, just look on top of the tallest appliance,
bookshelf or tree. Norwegian Forest Cats need very little grooming
maintenance and need only be combed out once a week to prevent the
coat from matting.

Picture Norwegian Forest Cat

Give a Norwegian Forest Cat the Nutrition it needs
Jane Bicks, D.V.M.

If cats could ski, the Norwegian Forest Cat would
be the first on the slopes, and undoubtedly - 
because it thrives on companionship - a hit at the
ski lodge.

It's thick double coat is not only beautiful, 
but also water resistant and will stay tangle free.

I'd recommend daily combing to slough off dead 
hair and cells, which will help prevent hair balls as
well as stimulate the oil glands that keep the 
coat water resistant.

Needless to say, hair ball treatment two times a 
week is a must!

Make sure this cat is eating an alternative premium cat food
diet of high biological value protein. Vegetable enzymes
will ensure that all essential hair nutrients get delivered.

Brewer's yeast or torula yeast will certainly keep your
Norwegian Forest Cat's coat healthy.

Norwegian Forest Cats love to nibble on grass, so grow
some wheat grass for them.

Try this for the Best Nutritious Food for Norwegian Forest Cats

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