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You really can

be Friends

with Pet Pigs

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Pigs have different personalities, just like most other
intelligent animals. One pig may be gregarious and happy to meet
everyone and another may be shy and withdrawn around strangers,
or even aggressive. If a pig does not want to be friends with
someone you introduce it to then don't force the relationship, or
you might wind up with your friend being bitten.

Young children especially need to be watched when you are
introducing them to a pig because most children don't recognize
the cues as to when to stop before something happens. Just like
human beings, some pigs like people and others don't and if your
pig doesn't like people or children this is not a sign that you
have a bad pig, it is just the normal social behavior that you
find in a pig herd.

Snapping at each other between pigs is a territorial ownership
sign like a slap and strong words would be to a human. You pig is
essentially saying "back off". And it will probably not budge on
the subject, because being number two is not in a pig's character
unless it is forced to accept that position by another alpha pig
or a human. A human can yell at a pig that is being aggressive
and shove the pig to let it know who is boss, and normally, at
least if the pig is neutered, it will take the hint. Always
neuter or spay your pig! It extends its life, makes it less
aggressive, and so makes both you and the pig happier.

A rule for visitors should be: Do Not Touch its sleeping area!
This is a recipe for trouble between your pig and you and a
stranger. A pig's sleeping area is its safe hiding place and it
will not appreciate the invasion. Problems with biting or serious
aggressive behavior almost never occur if a pig has appropriate
space. Most often if your pig does not have enough space it will
become aggressive towards strangers in general for instinctive
territorial and defensive reasons.

For this reason, most house pigs are highly territorial and
usually do not like to have strangers in their territory. This is
instinctive and can not be trained out of most pigs. Pigs are not
well-domesticated animals and training more often than not will
fail unless you manage to get the pig to want to comply or if
what you ask of it goes along with its natural instincts. If you
try to force the issue you will end up with an unhappy pig and an
unhappy master.

Bonding with a pig is like bonding with any animal except that
bonding is possible on a deeper level than with most pets because
pigs are intelligent and also herd animals. The gender of the pig or
its owner does not matter in a bonded relationship. It is a
mutual friend and dependency relationship.

Living with a second pig is a good way for your pig to develop
good social bonds with its own species and is helpful for your
pig and you. Remember that your pig is not a human. He may be
intelligent and lovable but he is still an animal and so is
likely most comfortable and happy with its own species.

Tighter bonds occur between sibling pigs then with a mated pair.
Gender very often does not enter the equation of a bond relationship
between pigs unless they were mated before they were spayed or
neutered. Siblings has been documented to be the strongest bond,
then two males, then two females and then the mated pair.

So where do you enter into the equation? You are the caregiver
and alpha pig. You determine what the herd does and your pigs
will love you for it. You can't be their sibling but you can be
their friend and in doing so have a long lasting friendship with
your pig.

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