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We love our pet pig,
even though he may dig,
a hole in the ground,
which turns his feet very brown.
Piggies are fun
when out in the sun.
Playing all day,
till the night goes away.
Eating their chow,
like a big Jersey cow,
they love to eat corn,
for that they were born.
We give them the mash,
full of corn and some stash,
alfalfa and oats,
it's good for their coats.
Pleasure they give,
for that they will live,
pet piggies are smart,
they turn tricks into art.
Pigs are so cool,
they like even the pool,
wetting themselves out in the sun,
getting all tanned like a brown roasted bun.
Going to the fair,
but sporting not much hair,
pigs are all game,
and rarely go lame.
They are a children's delight,
and can stay up all the night,
pigs like to pounce around,
like a jolly fat clown.
I love my pet piggie,
it's a really big, biggie,
and someday I pray,
he'll like the new hay.
Intelligence is one of their traits,
my pet pig can even open our wire gates,
without even a struggle he gets it wide open,
the cows should stay in, I'm always a hopen.
Tippy and Alfred like our pig pet,
and you would too, we're willing to bet.
now this poem is all over,
cause the pigs are out in the clover.
From all the pets at Pet Care Tips:
Tippy, Alfred, T.C. Kitty, Little Cats A, B & C, Miss Patches Marie Kitty,
Shadow and Smokey, Petey Bird and Petunia, Annie & Daisy,
Ralph Turtle and Tommy Turtle, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Huey & Dewey.