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Would it be Wise to

Spay or Neuter

my Pet Pigs?

Help Rescue Homeless

Pets with a Gift

of One Dollar

It should be understood that if you are not going to breed your
pig then you should definitely spay or neuter it. Male pigs are
normally very aggressive, rowdy and smelly when they are not
neutered. It is usually recommended that you spay or neuter your
pig when it is young. Male potbellied pigs can be neutered at two
weeks of age and up and should be neutered by five weeks of age
because male pot bellied pigs can become mating active at four
weeks old. Standard pigs are usually neutered before six to eight
weeks of age, for the same reason.

You should spay your female pigs at four to five months of age.
Some veterinarians may spay sooner than four months. This spares
your female pig the pain and suffering of contracting uterine
cancer which is the number one killer of female pigs in America.
The older the pig the harder it is on them to be spayed or
neutered. Female potbellied piglets can actually become pregnant
before they are weaned. Be very careful to keep your female pigs
separate from male pigs if the males are not neutered.

If a female pig is not spayed she can contract all manner of
reproductive diseases that effectively halve her life expectancy.
One major health consequence of not spaying is that many female
pigs carry twenty to thirty pound tumors from uterine cancer that
cause terrible pain by pressing in on organs. Even if your pig
already has cancer there are benefits to spaying, not only to
remove tumors but it might halt the cancer altogether.

Ninety percent of unspayed female pigs will develop cancer and
die at half their life expectancy. If you are thinking on
adopting a pig, go to one of your local shelters and pick a pig
and have it neutered or spay it before taking it home. Not only
are you providing a home for a homeless piggy but you are
stopping a vicious cycle that has become a problem, particularly
in the United States of America.

There are spay assistance programs for female pigs, you can
contact your local pet sanctuary to learn more if you have a
sanctuary in your area. So, please spay your female pig even if
it doesn't have a male pig around. If you don't intend to breed
your pig, spaying or neutering is the best course for them. You
can find information at your local veterinarian office, shelter
or even on the Internet about spaying and neutering your pigs.

Abandoned potbelly pigs have become a large problem in the United
States. Potbellied pigs are now being dumped or adopted by some
people only to die in a dog fighting ring, used as training bait.
Some "rescued" pigs are later used as hunting trophies, being
turned loose in the woods to die shortly thereafter to a hunter's
shot, or if they escape a hunter they will likely be shot by a
local animal control official because they are roaming wild. Keep
that in mind and do the right thing and spay or neuter your pig
so little piglets will be saved the horrors or being born into a
home where they are not wanted. Four million pigs are put to
death every year in shelters across the United States.

So be a kind and responsible pet owner and spay or neuter your
pets if you are not going to breed them, and save them the pain
from debilitating and costly reproductive diseases that kill
often and kill early.

See also: Care of your Pet Pig after Spaying or Neutering

Check these links Out:
Keeping Pigs as Pets

Adorable Stuffed Plush Pigs & all Animals

Custom Search

Prestigious Pet Gift Items

Perfectly Entertaining Pig Calendars

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This web Page is rated a 10 out of a possible 10.
It was formed and developed in the deep and fathomless minds of
Tippy & Alfred who are also spayed and neutered. Find out more
about Tippy and Alfred on their home page, the link is above where
you can get their delightful e-letter devoted to pet care.

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