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Litter, Nesting &

Bedding Materials you

can use for Rabbits

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The Best Litter for your Rabbit's Litter Box

This choice is very important, rabbits will eat some of
their litter, and your rabbit's health may depend on your
choice of litters!

What Not to use for Litter

Your rabbit will eat some of its litter, no matter what it
is, so don't use anything non-organic in its litter box.
Also don't use corncob animal bedding, corncob litter can
collect in the rabbit's intestines and cause a blockage, GI
Stasis, and death.

Plain clay cat litter isn't healthy to eat and the dust can
clog a rabbit's eyes, nose and lungs and lead to respiratory
infections. Clumping clay litters are also dangerous to a
rabbit's gastrointestinal tract, and if they have
deodorizing crystals, said crystals are poisonous.

Also never use litters or bedding made from cedar, pine or
other soft woods as the chemicals these woods give off
damage the respiratory tracts and livers of small animals
and also may cause cancer. Many small furries have died from
being given nice-smelling cedar litter. The exception to the
soft wood bedding exclusion may be pellets for wood stoves,
as they are treated to reduce the gas emissions.

Don't make your own litter from shredded office paper
because toner is toxic. If you use newsprint, make sure that
your newspaper publisher uses the new soy-based inks. Even
then, your rabbit may wind up with blackened feet, and
newspapers don't smell that good either.

What to Use for Litter

At pet supply shops you should be able to find organic
litters made from plant fibers or recycled paper, they are
fine. You can also simply use newspapers, wood pellets, hay
or straw to line the box and fill the box the rest of the
way with fresh, clean grass hay or straw.

Put some good fresh timothy hay at one end of the box for
eating, and since rabbits excrete while they eat, the feces
will tend to collect at the other end of the box. Eventually
your rabbit will automatically go to its box to snack and
eliminate, especially if you put any misplaced feces into
the litter box and clean any spots outside the box with
vinegar to remove the odor.

Be sure to change the hay daily since your rabbit is eating
it, and clean the box every day or so, using vinegar to
remove any urine deposits.

Last but not least, the used litter box contents make
fantastic mulch or compost for your plants! You can put the
used hay and rabbit pellets directly onto your garden
without fear of burning your plants, or soak pellets in
water and use it to water your plants for some of the best
natural, organic fertilizer at no cost.

Changing a Rabbit's Litter & Bedding

Litter must be changed at least once a week. It could be deadly
to confine your pet rabbit to a cage that has a high concentration
of ammonia fumes. The strong urine smell can also be reduced if the
soiled corner of the cage is scooped out daily.

We also recommend using an all natural Pet Deoderizer to
eliminate odors from your pet rabbits hutch.

More about our Pet Deoderizer Here

Training Rabbits to Use Litter Boxes

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