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The Easiest way to not

allowing Coccidiosis

in Rabbits to happen

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Unfortunately it is very hard to treat, cure or prevent Coccidiosis
in pet rabbits, and often the disorder can only be controlled,
not cured. As with many diseases, prevention is the best cure.

The severity of an infection with Coccidiosis depends on how
many oocysts the rabbit eats or drinks. In overcrowded or
unclean conditions rabbits are more likely to develop
Coccidiosis, but the infection can happen in well-cared for
pet rabbits as well.

Suggestions for Preventing Coccidiosis in Pet Rabbits

1. Make sure your rabbits are healthy when you purchase them
from a reputable breeder. Have your veterinarian check them
before you take them home.

2. Quarantine any new rabbits for at least three weeks,
keeping all food and water separate. Do the feeding and
cleaning of the new rabbits after your other animals and
wash up thoroughly afterward to make sure that you can't
carry anything to your established herd.

3. Keep the cages very clean so that rabbits have less of an
opportunity to eat each other's feces. Every few weeks move
your rabbits to a temporary cage elsewhere and sanitize
their cage with a disinfectant such as diluted bleach.

4. Don't overcrowd your rabbits, especially the young ones.
Overcrowding leads not only to a stressed immune system but
a much greater likelihood that a rabbit will be exposed to
the parasites.

5. Feed your rabbits dry rather than moist pellets, well-
washed fresh vegetables and an unlimited supply of fresh
water and fresh grass hay.

6. Put the food into food crocks rather than onto the ground
or bedding.

7. When you care for your rabbits, check each over for any
signs of a problem, and if there is extra food and water
left, consider that this might be a clue that something is

8. Worm your rabbits on schedule and make any diet changes
slowly to avoid stressing them.

The best way to keep any organism healthy is to make sure
that it has the proper types and the proper amounts of
sunlight, food and water and that its environment is optimum
for its species. In other words, proper care is essential
for all captive animals and even plants.

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