Many people quickly see the benefits of using a crate after
bringing home a new dog or puppy and looking at their
training options. A properly sized and well-placed dog crate
provides a comfortable place for the dog or puppy to be
placed for safety and convenience and also offers a great
tool for housebreaking.
There is sometimes controversy regarding crating puppies and
dogs in general but in most cases dogs learn to love their
crate and think of it as their own den. Crating
training your dog
during the housebreaking stage can eliminate a lot of
accidents and reinforce proper training.
If a new puppy or untrained dog is allowed to roam free in
the house many negative behaviors will be reinforced, and
the dog may develop a habit of going into a closet or other
secluded spot and eliminating with you none the wiser.
Crating your puppy for training allows you to monitor it and
keep up with its schedule for going outside or wherever you
choose to facilitate its bowel and bladder training.
If a puppy in a crate has an accident it is obvious and it
helps you understand when it will need to be taken outside
again. A dog instinctively does not like to soil the same
place it eats, so if you feed the dog or puppy in the crate
and keep it on a schedule with regular trips outside right
after meals and naps, it likely won't have many accidents in
the dog crate, so greatly speeding up the house training
The older a dog gets the longer it can wait between trips
outside. When you are dealing with a very young puppy
between two and four months old it should be taken out at
least every two or three hours during the daytime. After
each meal and after naps are the minimum. After four months
all but very small breeds usually can wait up to five hours,
and adult dogs can often wait for up to ten hours. Most dogs
can make it through the night at about three months.
If you are consistent in taking your dog out on a regular
schedule you can eliminate accidents from happening in your
house. The crate also gives you a place to safely secure the
puppy or dog when you have to leave the house or need it out
of the way when guests arrive or cleaning is being done.
Make the crate a place the dog enjoys, with a blanket, fresh
water and a special chew or toy that is just for crate time.
When a puppy is crated, bring the crate into the same room
with you so it can observe and feel like a part of the
family, and talk to it occasionally. But never take the
puppy out of the crate while it is whining or barking to be
removed, that will teach it that if it makes enough noise
you will come to the rescue. Rather, wait until it gives up
whining before removing it from the crate. If its
complaining is too severe, simply cover the crate with a
blanket until the puppy gives up the fuss.
Learn great ways to use puppy toys for training and socializing
your new pup. Make sure you're on the right track when training
your dog. Also, go and get the free eBook of puppy coloring pages
for your kids.
Start your Puppy off
with the Right Food
Get your Puppy Crates
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