Welcome to exploring the fascinating and delightful
world of Dog Sports. Dogs love to play and what
better way than through dog sports.
We have information on sports that dogs enjoy here
for you, from Agility to Weiner Dog Racing,
and everything in between.
Watching and participating in dog sports is a total
enjoyment for both owner and dog. There are many
types of sports dogs can enter in and we will go over
them in the various articles listed below.
It's so neat to watch these dogs perform in the various
sports. And the dogs really enjoy doing them. Many dogs
are like athletes and seem to perform better when they
have competition.
Sit back and enjoy learning about the big wide world of
dog sports.

Agility for Dogs
Agility Tips & Tricks
Training a Puppy for Agility
Buja Boards & Perch Training
Agility - See-Saw, Dog Walk, and A-frame
Hurdles, Jumps and Spreads used in
Weave Poles, Tire Jump, and Tunnels for Agility
Boy Scout Badge for Dog Care
Canine Frisbee
Dalmatians as Firehouse Dogs
Dog Pulling
Dog Exercise
Dog Frisbee - how to train your dog
Guide Dogs
History Seeing Eye Dogs
History Westminster Dog Show
Awards of the
Westminster Dog Show
Service Dogs
Teaching your Dog Tricks
Weiner Dog Racing
Dog Breed Specific Gift Items