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Some different Recipes for Cooking with Rats .....

As any rat keeper knows, rats love food. As some rat keepers
know, some rats are gourmets. As the popular animated movie
"Ratatouille" taught us, some rats can cook.

These great ratty cuisine cookbook titles were submitted by
the creative and entertaining members of the Internet
discussion group "ratlist."

"The Culinary Rat"
"Death by Yoggies: the Last Squeak on a Rattie's Consuming Passion"
"Two Fat Ratties"
"The Fattie Rattie Cookbook"
"The Bruxing Gourmet!"
"The Goody Goolie Gourmet Cookbook"
"The Ratties Kitchen"
"The Rotund Rat: Sinfully Delicious Recipes for Vermin"
"Rat Can Cook"
"Eat More, Stash Less"
"Ratty Num Nums"
"The Joy of Nibbling"
"The Gastronomical Rat"
"Cooking the Rat Way"
"Recipes from the Nest Box"
"The Little Rattie Gourmet"
"The Modern Rodent Kitchen"
"Real Bucks don't Eat Quiche"
"365 days of Nibbling"
"Gnaw to Your Heart's Content"
"The Essential Rat Cookbook: What to Eat, Where to Stash It"
"Hungry in the Hammock: Recipes for Lazy Rats"
"101 ways with Yogurt Drops"
The Art of Dinner Plate Theft"

You might want try cooking with your pet rat. Here is one
recipe that our rat loves to make:

Peanut Butter Crunchies
(Also good for small boys.)


1 cup of stone-ground whole wheat flour (fresh ground is best)
1 Tablespoon of chunky reduced-fat peanut butter
1 Tablespoon of honey
1/3 cup of water


Turn the oven to 250 degrees and preheat. No rats allowed here.

Meanwhile grease a cookie sheet and probably the rat's feet.

Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl with a pastry
blender, keeping the rat out of the bowl if possible.

Shape the mix into 1/2" balls and place them on a cookie

Bake any that you and your rat haven't eaten raw for 45
minutes or so.

Turn the oven off and leave the balls in the oven until the
oven and the cookies cool, that way the balls will be

Feed sparingly to rattie and probably yourself.

If you come up with any great recipes, let us know and we
may publish them on this website.

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