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The Rat Quiz - How much do you know about
your Little Ratty Friend?

1) Here's the first Rat Quiz Question for you. Try to get as many
right as possible, then see below. Rats are social animals.
What does this mean?

a) That rats want to socialize with only humans.
b) That rats should be housed only in single gender groups
or pairs, because rats thrive on attention from other rats.
c) That rats love to socialize with other animals in the house,
such as hamsters and mice.
d) That rats love to chirp very loudly to their humans.

2) What group of foods below would make a healthy diet for rats?

a) Rodent blocks, Nutralite dog food, fruits, and vegetables
b) Hamster mix, fruits and veggies, and yogurt drops
c) Bird seed and dried bread
d) Table scraps

3) What is the minimum size for a comfortable rat cage?

a) 10 inches long by 10 inches wide
b) 12 inches long by 6 inches wide
c) 36 inches long by 12 inches wide
d) 24 inches long by 12 inches wide

4) When you first bring home a new rat, it is advised
to keep it quarantine from other pets for how long?

a) 5 months
b) One week
c) 2-4 weeks
d) A day or so

5) When introducing rats to each other, what is one of the
first steps you should follow?

a) Put them together in the same cage.
b) Put the dominant rat in the new rat's cage.
c) Introduce them in neutral territory such as a cage
that is strange to both animals, and supervise closely.
d) Put the new rat into the cage of the dominant rat.

6) What is one thing for which rats use their tails?

a) Hanging from their cage bars.
b) Picking things up.
c) Used as a whip when fighting.
d) Balance.

7) What is the scientific name for the "Brown Rat"?

a) Rattus rattus
b) Rattus norvegicus
c) Rattus mortegicus
d) Rattus cantegicus

8) Why do some rats weave their heads back and forth?

a) To help them judge the depth of objects and distances.
b) To listen to what's going on around them.
c) To show that rats are happy.
d) Nobody really knows.

9) At what age should a litter of baby rats be separated by gender?

a) 3 weeks
b) 4 weeks
c) 5 weeks
d) 6 weeks

10) Why do we love rats so much?

a) Because rats are cute
b) Because rats love us, too
c) Because rats are playful and curious
d) All of the above


1. b) That rats should be housed in single gender groups or pairs,
because rats thrive on attention from other rats.

2. a) Rodent blocks, Nutralite dog food, fruits, and vegetables

3. d) 24 inches long by 12 inches wide

4. c) 2-4 weeks

5. c) Introduce them on neutral territory under close supervision

6. d) Balance

7. b) Rattus norvegicus

8. a) To help them judge the depth of objects and distances.

9. c) 5 weeks

10. d) All of the above

See this link also:
Pet Rat Fun Things for Them

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