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Red Factor Canaries

a Joy to keep with

their Cheery songs.

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Red Factor Canaries are pleasant birds to keep as pets, their
delightful songs are a canaries most valuable asset
and a joy to red factor canary owners.

Like parakeets, red factor canaries are mostly seed eaters.
Canaries are easily cared for with commonly found foods
at pet shops.

Red Factor Canary are basically the same as Yellow Canaries,
with the exception they need foods richer in beta carotene and
a supplement of half pure beta carotene and half pure canthaxanthin
in order to maintain their reddish color.

Male Canaries are the Singers

The male is always the singer. Males sing to attract
the female red factor canary. If canaries are kept in pairs, the
male won't sing. Males won't sing during the summer
because that is molting period. If the male is not
singing at other times, this could indicate an illness
in the bird.

Canaries can still be kept together in pairs, and
keeping two females does not usually present any problems.

Canaries love to have visual contact with people, however,
typically do not like to be handled. Talking and whistling to
your bird will provide the interaction and socialization
they need.

Facts about Red Factor Canaries

Canaries are small, 4 to 8 inches in length and weigh
from 12 to 29 grams. They can live up to 25 years with
proper care.

Careful breeding has produced canaries that have many
different colors of feathers...the most familiar is yellow,
shades of brown, white, red, and orange.

Red Factor Canaries come from breeding of canaries with Red Siskins.

Canaries are not an interactive bird. They are content to
remain in their cages most of the time.

A red factor canary's cage must be large enough for the bird
to comfortably stretch it's wings and fly. A perch should be
on both sides.

Minimum cage size is 12"W x 12"L x 15"H.

A Pet Red Factor Canary's Diet

Pet Canaries should be fed 1-2 teaspoons of a pellet or
seed-based, fortified red factor canary diet each day. Also, canaries
only eat off the top layer of the food dish, so if feeding
seeds, be sure to check the food daily and remove empty seed hulls.

About 5-10% of a red factor canary's diet should be bite-sized fruits and
veggies like apples, oranges, melon, sweet potatoes, broccoli,
spinach, dandelion, mustard greens and shredded
carrots. Offer daily or every 2-3 days.

A cuttle bone should be in your red factor canary's cage at all times.

Canaries should always have access to clean, fresh water.
Not tap water....use Steam Distilled water.

A red factor canary's metabolism is very active, starvation can
occur in as little as 24 hours. Food should be available at
all times.

Health tips for a Red Factor Canary

Signs of a healthy red factor red factor canary:

Clear, bright eyes
Clean, smooth feathers
Eats throughout the day
Normal droppings that are not runny for more than a couple of days
A curious and active disposition

See your vet if you notice:

Decreased appetite; weight loss
Decreased activity and grooming behavior
Sitting at the bottom of cage
Discharge from nose or mouth; frequent sneezing
Feathers fluffed for prolonged periods of time

The most famous canary is Tweety Bird of Looney Tune fame.

Canaries in Coal Mines

Picture Red Factor Canary

Magnificent Plush Stuffed Canaries and Birds

Picturesque Red Factor Canary Calendars

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