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Terrifically interesting tidbits about Sugar Gliders
By: The Editors at Pet Care Tips

You will be amazed at this cool stuff about sugar gliders.
So, hang on to your hats and glide on down to these cool
facts about the awesome sugar glider.

1. The Sugar Glider is a marsupial, like a koala or wallaby.

2. Sugar Gliders get their name because they love sugar and
they have an amazing ability to glide from tree to tree
using the webbed area between their body and back legs,
along with their tails.

3. When a Sugar Glider is a full-grown adult it still only
weighs about four ounces (one hundred and thirteen grams).

4. An adult Sugar Glider can glide over one hundred and
fifty feet (forty-six meters).

5. When a Sugar Glider launches himself from a tree it
spreads its front and back legs and uses its gliding
membranes between them as "wings".

6. The gliding membranes of a Sugar Glider are stretched
from its wrists to its ankles and as it glides the membranes
open up and slow its descent much like a parachute does.

7. A Sugar Glider can change the curvature of the membrane
by moving his legs to regulate his glide, and also uses his
tail (which is as long as his body) like a rudder.

8. Sugar Gliders, like kangaroos, have a pouch for the baby
Gliders, called joeys. The babies live in the pouch for
about seventy days, and once they are around four months old
they are able to survive on their own outside the pouch.

9. Wild Sugar Gliders live in trees and rarely ever touch
the ground.

10. They nest in holes in old trees.

11. Sugar Gliders usually live in large groups of up to
thirty Gliders.

12. Sugar Gliders have opposable fingers and toes like koala
and monkeys, which helps a lot for climbing around in trees.

13. Sugar Gliders are found in Australia, Tasmania,
Indonesia, and New Guinea. Their scientific name is Petaurus
breviceps and they are in the same order as kangaroos,
opossums, wombats, and Tasmanian devils.

Dandy Sugar Glider Calendars

Sweet Stuffed Sugar Gliders

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