Toucan Sam and
Kellogg's Fruit Loops

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Toucan Sam
Follow Your Nose is Toucan Sam's famous line to get
viewers to try a taste of Kellogg's Fruit Loops.
In 1964 Kellogg's introduced their multi flavored
Fruit Loops cereal and a colorful character named
Toucan Sam to tell the world how great the taste of
Fruit Loops really are.
Toucan is a blue toucan with a striped beak who
has this magical ability to sniff out with his nose
all the delicious flavors in Fruit Loops. Of course
after he does find the Fruit Loops, Toucan Sam is
always willing to share the "fruits" of his labors.
Each stripe on Toucan's beak represents one of the original
flavors of the pieces in the Fruit Loops cereal,
(red = strawberry, yellow = lemon, orange = orange)
As a fruit connoisseur, Toucan Sam knows that Kellogg’s
Fruit Loops are the best fruit flavors in the world.
Toucan Sam also has three nephews who sometimes appear
in commercials with him. Toucan Sam's nephews worship
their Uncle and think that everything he does is cool.
Now, the cereal pieces are O-shaped, and come in banana,
blueberry, lemon, marshmallow, orange, and strawberry
(artificial) flavors.
Other varieties of the cereal sold by Kellogg's include
Froot Loops 1/3 Less Sugar, and Marshmallow Froot Loops.
See Also:
List of Famous Birds
Tony Tiger & Tony Jr.
Cornelius Rooster
All about Toucans
Fun Filled and Cheerful Plush Stuffed Toucans
